SUMMARY: DNS domain searchlist

John Malick (
Thu, 05 Mar 1998 12:21:55 -0500

See original message below:

The answer is the search keyword in the /etc/resolv.conf file. I looked at
this info in the man page 5 times and it was not apparent. I must be going
blind. Thanks

Original message:

> Is there a way under Solaris 2.x to create a domain searchlist for DNS?

>Have you tried modifying /etc/resolv.conf:

>domain my.domain
>search my.domain bbb.ccc
>nameserver ...

> Example:
> Current domain is aaa.bbb.ccc ...
> I can ping a host xxx in my domain and get a reply. I can't ping host yyy
> in domain ddd.bbb.ccc because my resolv.conf file lists only one default
> domain. When I add a second domain in the resolv.conf file and another
> nameserver entry, only the last domain/nameserver is used and the first
> one listed is overwritten.