I cannot pinpoint whether this is related to differing versions of nfs,
rpc, or putting a tcp mount on top of a udp mount.
Also, for those who asked. I did verify that this was not related to
NIS+ by turning off the NIS+ entry and using flat files. Problem
persisted until the version change.
Thanks again to all who helped.
On Feb 10, 12:35, Kris Briscoe wrote:
> > Does anyone know if the following scenario will cause nfs mounts to
> > be dropped?
> > /projects/scsb4 (vers2 nfs mount)
> > /projects/scsb4/cmvcdata (vers 3 nfs mount)
> > This puts an nfs vers3 mount on top of an nfs vers2 mount.
> > Question: Would this cause intermittent drops of the nfs ver 3 mount?
> > We never lose the primary mount point, but the hierarch mount point
> disappears
> > frequently.
> If you mount via automounter, you may possibly be affected by bug#1263311
> (fixed in 2.6).
> Regards,
> Thomas
> --
> Thomas Anders <anders@hmi.de>
> Hahn Meitner Institute Berlin, Germany
-- "Life brings sorrows and joys alike. It is what a man does with them-not what they do to him-that is the true test of his mettle" - Theodore Rosevelt
Kris Briscoe ( unixboy@aol.com ) Senior Unix Systems Analyst Motorola Satcom 1.888.612.8136