Original question:
Dear All,
I appreciate that this is probably not the right place to ask and I
certainly don't want to add to the net traffic, but I have tried hunting
it down and it has remained elusive so far.
I am developing software that uses some of the functions of snoop, as in
Solaris' snoop, to examine network packets, and, hence, looking for the
source code. If anyone knows of it's whereabouts, regardless of
operating system, I would greatly appreciate it if they could send me an
Thanking All In Advance,
Ramindur Singh
All suggested using tcpdump as snoop is a propriety software for
Solaris. I found Daniel Kluge's suggestion especially helpful in
directing me to libpcap (I have included his email below), so I shall
use tcpdump and libpcap. Once again, thanks to everyone who replied.
Daniel Kluge Wrote:
snoop uses the Solaris-specific DLPI (or some other acronym) Interface,
get raw packets, I would strongly suggest, to use libpcap, which is a
portable packet-sniffer library, and get the newest version of tcpdump
well, in source code.
For a semesteral work involving packet-sniffing, I used libpcap, and at
the beginning just ripped some parts of tcpdump togeter, filling in new
code, where needed.
This will allow you also to run you software on almost any other
Unix-Variant, using:
-NIT (SunOS)
-bpf (BSD variants all over the world)
-snoop (the SGI variant)
I hate all those old software, written for some propreatary standard,
NIT (old SunOS Software), make your stuff portable, will save you a lot
of hassles.