Sun server host name is not displayed on client pc after SAMBA 1.9.17p3
is installed.
The sun ultra enterprise 3000 runs soloaris 2.5.1. The public folder of
this server can be mapped to(and accessed as) client pc's logical disk. You
can also use "find computer" in win95 to find this server by its host
name. However, the server host name is not displayed in "Network
Neighborhood" of client pc where all other pc's name and pc server's name
are displayed.
Firstly check that the Windows boxes and Samba machine are in the same
workgroup (My Computer->Control Panel->Network->Identification on Win95
and 'workgroup =' in the [global] section of smb.conf for Samba). Then
check that the Windows boxes and Samba machine are on the same subnet,
and that the subnet masks are setup correctly on both. If the windows
machines are using a WINS server make sure that the Samba box is pointed
to this too ('wins server =' in the [global] section of smb.conf).
I received several advices--most of them need modification on client pc side
on another NT server. The above solution just modifies the sun server
configuration to achieve the goal.
Special thanks to
Simon Hyde <>
Thanks to
Sion Graham
Peter L. Berghold <>
James Harmon <>
Tim Evans <>
Dan Hubbard <>
Yuming Huang