SUMMARY: printing problem

Mariel Feder (
Fri, 06 Feb 1998 16:26:14 -0800

Original question:

> I hope this is an easy and stupid thing that I am doing.
> I am trying to install an HP 4V network printer.
> I installed jetadmin.
> I defined the printer using jetadmin (all the files under /etc/printers
> are created ok).
> When I type: lpq, after waiting for a long time, I get the following
> message:
> could not talk to print service at 'machine_name'
> When I try to print something using lpr -P printer filename, I get on
> the console
> the follwoing message:
> Message from root on 'machine_name' (???) [ Wed Feb 4 16:08:05 ] ...
> Error transfering print job 1
> check queue for (printer_name@machine_name)
> I shut down and restared the lpsched hundred of times already, and even
> rebooted
> the machine (just in case) to no avail.
> Any ideas?
I am still puzzled about this problem. I don't think I found a solution
but just
a workaround.

If you have a machine, that was never defined as printer server before,
you install
jetadmin, and then define a printer via jetadmin, you get this error.
This happens no matter which version of jetadmin you use (I tried with 3
of them
including the last one 3.15).

The workaround is to define another printer (even a non existing one)
using admintool.
This makes the lpq and the rest of the commands start working, and you
are able
to use the network printer without any problems, even if afterwards you
that extra printer.

I think that the problem might be something that is done when admintool
defines a printer
that the "add printer" of jetadmin doesn't do, but I do not know what it

Hope this can help someone around.


Mariel Feder - I.T. Consultant

Phone: (63) (2) 632.8862 / 632.8977
Fax: (63) (2) 632.8868

Meralco Electric Company
Distributed Information Technology Team
Manila - Philippines