> Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size Blocks
> 0 swap wu 0 - 3879 4.00GB (3880/0/0) 8380800
The consensus is that while Solaris supports filesystems up to 1 terabyte,
swap will not use more than 2GB per swap space.
Some of the responses are below:
from david@xtend.net
* I have had problems including cylinder 0 as part of a slice to be used
for swap; my understanding at the time was that swap activity would
trash what otherwise would be the disk labels.
----->> This sounded like a good hunch, so we tried starting from cylinder
10, didn't make any difference.
from dunn@sled.gsfc.nasa.gov
The article refers to Solaris pre-2.6 but I believe that swap is not large
file aware. There is a limit of 2GB to the size of a swap partition. You
can add as many swap partitions as you like; there is no limit to the
total size of swap in Solaris 2.
from steve.butterfield@pcs.co.uk
This is one of the places where Solaris is still 32 bit
The only way to do this is to create 2 x 2GB swap partitions
from casper@holland.Sun.COM
You need to split the disk in two; Solaris 2.6 only supports upto 2GB
sized swap partitions. (The extra you see for /tmp is from the physical
memory that also counts as swap)
-- Judith Reed jreed@appliedtheory.com