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Many thanks to Rick Reineman for supplying me with the correct answer.
The original post follows his answer:
If you check the manpage for rpc.ttdbserverd you will see mention
about a TT_DB directory, that is at every filesystem mountpoint.
There is an option to rpc.ttdbserverd to clean up this database. It
usually doesn't work, so just delete the database directory. Solaris
will create a new one. Try the following:
find / -name TT_DB -exec rm -r {} \;
Rick Reineman
Lasers CAD&UNIX Systems Management
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Content-type: MESSAGE/RFC822
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 1997 13:38:25 -0700
From: Erwin Fritz <efritz@GLJA.com>
Subject: rpc.ttdbserverd status change messages
To: Sun Managers <sun-managers@ra.mcs.anl.gov>
Reply-to: efritz@GLJA.com
Message-id: <34983841.9304AA8E@GLJA.com>
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I'm faced with a strange problem. I have two Sparc5s, each running
Solaris 2.5 with the recommended patches. One runs CDE 1.0.2 and the
other (mine) runs CDE 1.0.1.
Mine works with no problems. The other one, with the newer CDE, gets
these strange messages in /var/adm/messages file:
Dec 17 10:37:49 mercury inetd[136]: /usr/dt/bin/rpc.ttdbserverd: Child
Status Changed
Dec 17 10:37:53 mercury last message repeated 22 times
Dec 17 10:37:54 mercury inetd[136]: /usr/dt/bin/rpc.ttdbserverd: Child
Status Changed
Dec 17 10:44:34 mercury last message repeated 2131 times
Dec 17 10:44:34 mercury inetd[136]: /usr/dt/bin/rpc.ttdbserverd: Child
Status Changed
Dec 17 10:51:14 mercury last message repeated 2125 times
Dec 17 10:51:15 mercury inetd[136]: /usr/dt/bin/rpc.ttdbserverd: Child
Status Changed
Dec 17 10:57:55 mercury last message repeated 1928 times
Dec 17 10:57:56 mercury inetd[136]: /usr/dt/bin/rpc.ttdbserverd: Child
Status Changed
Dec 17 10:58:35 mercury last message repeated 168 times
When I check my machine, I can see a rpc.ttdbserverd process running. I
can't see it on the other machine though. The user is, as far as I know,
unaware of any problems.
Does anyone have any clue about what's causing this?
I will summarize.
Erwin Fritz
Gilbert Laustsen Jung Associates Ltd.