SUMMARY: Xlib:Maximum number of clients reached

John Bradley (
Mon, 15 Dec 1997 08:38:45 -0800


Answer comes from: Rahul Roy <roy@bluestone.COM>


SYNOPSIS: What is the client limit for the X11R5 Xserver?

What is the client limit for the X11R5 Xserver?

Just to clarify, the X clients are just applications that are
dependent on an Xserver to run. Examples of X clients are xclock,
xterm, xcalc, and user applications.

There is a hard limit of 128 X clients for a given Xserver display. This
means that the Solaris X11R5 Xserver can only handle 128 clients being
displayed on it.

After testing this limit out, Solaris 2.4 and 2.5 could only bring up
80 windows or clients before the following error messages appear:

Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
Xlib: Maximum number of clients reached
XView error: Cannot open connection to window server: :0.0 (Server

There is absolutely NO relation between increasing the number of file
descriptors or pseudo terminals (ptys) and increasing the client hard
The client limit of 128 is imposed only by the Xserver and it cannot be
increased at all.

One might hit a pty limit first when attempting to start many xterms,
and dtterms. These tools need to open a pty. See SRDB ID: 11665.
the ptys will allow more xterms, cmdtools, and dtterms, but nothing can
increase the total number of xclients the xserver can handle. Clients
include textedit, mailtool, or any xapplication.

However, in order to reach the client limit or come close to reaching
limit you need to increase the number of file descriptors and psuedo
terminals as well as have enough swap space to handle the load.

Thanx all who replied:

Rahul Roy <roy@bluestone.COM>
"Arora, Samir" <>
"Mike Salehi" <>

Get the following error when trying to do xdisplays to my machine. At
the time I only had 3 X applications imported on my display. Running
Solaris 2.5 on Xserver(sparc5) in Openwindows 3.5., Xclient was a
Solaris 2.5.1.
xset: unable to open display "sun1:0"
Xlib: connection to "sun1:0.0" refused by server
Xlib: Maximum number of clients reached

What is the max, and where is it set.

                                                g( o o )g
+  John Bradley  NAWC Chinalake, CA                          +
+  UNIX/PC/Mac/Network Administrator-CTA Inc.                +
+  Phone: 760.939.5887 Fax: 760.939.9581       .oooO Oooo.   +
+  E-Mail:     (   ) (   )   +
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