SUMMARY: Root logins from other terminals
Wed, 23 Apr 1997 20:07:09 -0400

Original question was:

When I installed 2.5.1 on my systems, towards the end of the install I
remember a statement about editing a file to enable/disable root
logins from other terminals, which I preceded to do. Did I imagine
this or what?

I had remembered the answer after I posted the question. Like I said
brain fart on my part. Answers were all the same from everybody and
their brother and were:

the file to edit is: /etc/default/login
line to comment/uncomment is: CONSOLE=/dev/console

Thanx to everybody for the responses, inc. some wise asses!!!
Additional kudos to those who took time to expand on the answer,
including such subjects as security issues etc. However, like I said
this was a brain fart -- at that moment in time I just couldn't
remember the filename. Sorry I took the easy way out and hit the
mailing list, but it got me a speedy response.

Dave Merritt