1. Credits
2. Original question
3. Suggestions
1. Credits:
Gautam Das <gautam@bwc.org>
Stefan <s.voss@terradata.de>
Peter Utama (Operations) <putama@ect.enron.com>
Bob Fulwiler <bobf@psa.pencom.com>
2. Original question:
> Subject: DNS and NIS on SunOS machine.
> Hi managers,
> Scenario:
> DNS server: Solaris 2.5 machine running the Sun's original
> NIS master: SunOS machine 4.1.4 Makefile has B=-b option.
> NIS slaves: mostly SunOS
> Client Solaris 2.5: O.K.
> Client SunOS 4.1.4: No resolv+, no /usr/lib/shlib.etc
> resolv.conf:
> domain galileo.co.il
> nameserver
> Problem description:
> O.K. using NIS, O.K. resolving outside world. Outside world can
> machines in the galileo.co.il domain.
> BUT the client machine can't resolve local machines using the
DNS, i.e.
> ping galileo5 (NIS) works fine, ping galileo5.galileo.co.il
(DNS) fails.
> I want all machines to use only DNS for name resolving. I will
be very
> happy if I don't need to install resolv+ and shlib.
> Any suggestions ?
3. Suggestions:
3.1: From stefan <s.voss@terradata.de> paragraph 2 about resolv
1. using B=-b is ok, but I was told to reboot all NIS
since the make in /var/yp seems to do only a half
hearted job...
2. i was told to add the following line to
order local, nis, bind
In your case, you should only use 'bind' (but this would
the B=-b option obsolete...)
The man page for resolv.conf does not mention this, but
internet provider said, that this is an undocumented
he was not sure, whether it should be 'nis' or 'yp' -
try it out.
3. SunOS seems to have a problem generating correct
broadcast dresses
Do a 'ifconfig -a' on SunOS and Solaris and you might
see the
I have added a line
ifconfig le0 ip.ip.ip.ip netmask nm.nm.nm.nm broadcast
AFTER the line
ifconfig -a netmask + broadcast + > /dev/null
In a subnet xx.xx.xx.192, the broadcast adress is
NOT xx.xx.xx.192 but xx.xx.xx.223 instead.
This cures SunOS - and maybe it also cures your problem
(partially ?)
In our case, it seemes, that name resolving sometimes
worked ok
and sometimes not - whitout changing files in the
meantime. My
impression is, that after the changes mentioned above,
is ok now...
3.2: Use nslookup and list the hosts in your domain using the ls
as below:-
> server
Default Server: galileo21.galileo.co.il
> ls galileo.co.il.
See if the host in your DNS maps are listed, if not you
have to fix
your DNS.
3.3: On the 4.x machines, you may need the newer version lov
which has the DNS resolution code. Since it is dynamically
linked, you just need to distribute it and the resolv.conf
to the 4.x machines and resart named.
3.4: It should work if your NIS domain name is the same as your
DNS domain
Thanks managers.
-- Harel---
\||/ David Harel Software Systems (`') _____||_____ Phone/Fax: 972 6 6920738 (]____ ____[) Cellular: 052 476555 | | Snail Mail: Amuka / \ D.N Merom Hagalil | /\ | 13802 _| | | |_ Israel <___) (___> Email: Hareldv@netvision.net.il