READ and SAVE: How to REMOVE yourself from the sun-managers list

Jim Reisert (
Wed, 19 Mar 1997 14:33:27 -0500

Guess everyone needs a reminder again, judging from the recent spate of REMOVE
messages. Here it is from the FAQ:

Date: Sun, 02 Mar 1997 00:30:06 -0500
From: John DiMarco <>
Subject: Sun Managers Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Archive-name: sun-managers-faq

Sun-Managers' Frequently Asked Questions
$Id: faq,v 3.106 1997/02/17 15:05:22 jdd Exp $

This is collection of common questions posted to the sun-managers mailing
list twice a month. It is intended to benefit Sun System Managers and
reduce traffic to the list by providing quick answers to common problems.

Keeping with the style of a similar FAQ for, questions
marked with a '+' indicate questions new to this issue; those with
significant changes of content since the last issue are marked by '*'

The current FAQ maintainer is John DiMarco ( However,
all corrections/submissions should be sent to ""


1. The Sun-Manager's Mailing list
1.1) How do I read, join, post to, or remove myself from the
sun-managers mailing list?


1. The Sun-Manager's Mailing list
Subject: 1.1) How do I read, join, post to, or remove myself from the
sun-managers mailing list?

To have your mailing address added to or removed from the mailing list,
send a request to "". The request should
contain simply one line which says either "add" or "remove". You can
specify the particular e-mail address to be added after the word "add".
Messages can be posted to the list by mailing them to the address
"". Do not do this until you have read the
charter (question 1.2).

If you wish to send a message to the sun-managers list, it is strongly
recommended that you first read the list's policy statement. This
statement is sent to the entire list on the first and 16th of every
month. It is also sent out to every new subscriber and is available via
anonymous FTP (see question 4) from "" in the file
"/sun-managers/policy". The policy statement includes instructions for
sending a message to the entire list.

The latest version of the FAQ list (this file) is also available on
"" in the file "/sun-managers/faq".
