=>I've got some users that actually use the textedit tool from the
=>console of our public SparcClassics (Solaris 2.5). I've talked to
=>them about exiting the textedit app before logging out, but if they
=>don't the textedit process eats up the machine:
=>last pid: 4107; load averages: 3.50, 2.71, 2.34 10:28:14
=>42 processes: 37 sleeping, 2 running, 2 stopped, 1 on cpu
=>Cpu states: 0.0% idle, 0.0% user, 97.1% kernel, 2.9% iowait, 0.0% swap
=>Memory: 44M real, 3916K free, 25M swap, 211M free swap
=> 3408 smith 25 0 4192K 2820K run 598:21 28.27% 50.29% textedit
=> 3118 smith 25 0 4260K 3120K run 656:56 25.05% 47.77% textedit
=>In this case, the user's been logged out for ~14 hours!
=>If there's a single textedit process, the result is about the same;
=>constant load >1, textedit using ~95% of the CPU.
=>I'd like some explanation or elegent way to kill runaway textedits. I'm
=>not looking for a general idle-process daemon. I suppose I'll end up
=>writing a script (run as a cron job) that kills textedits if there's no
=>other processes with the same owner.
The summary answer (given in much nicer terms) by
Christopher Welsh <cris@deakin.edu.au>
Brian Styles <brian.styles@mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk>
Sun System Admin <sysadm@its.brooklyn.cuny.edu>
was to RTFP (Patches)! There's a Sun patch for this bug:
Patch-ID# 104218-03
Keywords: textedit ja locale core quitting OpenWindows still runs warnings
Synopsis: OpenWindows 3.5: textedit fixes
Date: Dec/10/96
Solaris Release: 2.5
SunOS Release: 5.5
Unbundled Product: OpenWindows
Unbundled Release: 3.5
Relevant Architectures: sparc
BugId's fixed with this patch: 4005325 1196662 4016953
Installed, and working.
Mark Bergman bergman@phri.nyu.edu
System and Network Administrator 212-578-0822
Public Health Research Institute Rm. 1074, 455 1st Ave, NY NY, 10016