The simplest way of writing WWW applications is through the use of the ``Common Gateway Interface'' (CGI). A CGI executable is a standard executable file but such that the HTTP server can tell it in fact contains a program that is to be run, rather than a document text that is to be sent to the client as usual. The file can be distinguished by belonging to a special directory, commonly named cgi-bin, or by a special filename ending, such as .cgi. The basic idea behind this interface is illustrated in Figure 1. When the user selects an address of a CGI executable in a document, such as (or perhaps the browser issues a standard document request (1). The HTTP server, recognizing that it is a CGI executable rather than a document, starts the executable (2), and during such execution stores the output of the executable in a buffer (3). Upon termination of the executable, the contents of the buffer (which should be in a format that the browser can handle, such as HTML) are returned to the browser as if a normal page with that content had been accessed (4).
The following is an example of how a very simple such executable can
be written in an LP/CLP language. The source might be as
main :- write('Content-type: text/html'), nl, nl, write('<HTML>'), write('Hello world.'), write('</HTML>').
And the actual executable could be generated as a saved state at the system prompt in the standard way. E.g., for most Edinburgh-style systems:
?:- compile(''), save('/usr/local/etc/htppd/cgi-bin/hello_world'), main.
The address of the executable in machine would then be
In some systems, saved states have the disadvantage of their generally large size, but many systems have other ways of producing reasonably-sized executables. For example, in the &-Prolog/CIAO system compiled executables can be generated which are generally of smaller size than the source program.