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- Many proposed languages and systems (CLP(*), Prolog-IV,
PNU-Prolog, Eclipse, Mercury, Gödel,
-Prolog, Lygon,
Babel, AKL, Oz,...; &-Prolog, Aurora, Muse, DDAS, Andorra-I, IDIOM,
EAM, ...).
- They raise many questions for a future system. Examples:
- From the language point of view:
- higher-order/functions? native or as an add-on?
- constraints? which systems? native or as an add-on?
- low-level annotations for performance?
- explicit or implicit concurrency?
- concurrency by default?
- sequential operator?
- explicit or implicit search?
- explicit or implicit distribution?
- ...
- From the compiler/abstract machine point of view:
- which optimizations?
- global analysis?
- environment stacking or goal stacking?
- which type of parallelism?
- ``multi sequential'' model?
- goal-based (delay) or continuation-based (cc) suspension?
- interactions with non-determinism: encapsulation; copying/vs.
sharing/vs. recomputation,
- memory management/scheduling (+ also interactions
w/non-determinism), ...
Last updated on Mon Mar 31 21:20:55 MET DST 1997