SUMMARY: network capacity

Elena Gianolio (
Wed, 23 Apr 1997 11:22:07 +0200


my original post:

> do you know how I can find which Sun models will support a network traffic capacity
> of 100mbits/s instead than the usual (at least for us) 10mbits/s ?

Adaptater SunFast Ethernet : sunexpress reference X1059

Supported workstations: SS20, SS10, SS5 ,SS4,All Ultra Workstations and Servers,
Enterprise 150,3000,4000,5000,6000

The Ultra 1/170E and 200E and all Ultra 2 Workstations and Servers have an
onboard Fast Ethernet as default

OS Required : Solaris 1.1.2 (== sunos 1.1.4)
Solaris 2.4 or above

thanks for the very quick answers to :

Michael Zimmerman <>
Bill <>
Chris Smith <> (Farzod Mansour)
Glenn Satchell <> (Paul Simpson)

best regards

GIANOLIO Elena (o o)
CERN ECP div Phone : +41 22 767 47 51
1211 Geneva 23 Fax : +41 22 767 33 94
Switzerland Email