How to recover private keys for various Microsoft products

Aleph One (aleph1@DFW.DFW.NET)
Tue, 20 Jan 1998 18:38:31 -0600

This is a good explanation of how to attack some of the formats MS uses to
encrypt private keys. Note that Peter goes a little overboard on the MS
bashing. If someone can run code on your machine to extract the keys you
got a lot of other problems as well.

Aleph One /
KeyID 1024/948FD6B5
Fingerprint EE C9 E8 AA CB AF 09 61 8C 39 EA 47 A8 6A B8 01

---------- Forwarded message ----------
> How to recover private keys for Microsoft Internet Explorer, Internet
> Information Server, Outlook Express, and many others
> - or -
> Where do your encryption keys want to go today?
> Peter Gutmann, <>
>Microsoft uses two different file formats to protect users private keys, the
>original (unnamed) format which was used in older versions of MSIE, IIS, and
>other software and which is still supported for backwards-compatibility
>in newer versions, and the newer PFX/PKCS #12 format. Due to a number of
>design and implementation flaws in Microsofts software, it is possible to
>the security of both of these formats and recover users private keys, often in
>a matter of seconds. In addition, a major security hole in Microsofts
>CryptoAPI means that many keys can be recovered without even needing to break
>the encryption. These attacks do not rely for their success on the
>presence of
>weak, US-exportable encryption, they also affect US versions.
>As a result of these flaws, no Microsoft internet product is capable of
>protecting a users keys from hostile attack. By combining the attacks
>described below with widely-publicised bugs in MSIE which allow hostile sites
>to read the contents of users hard drives or with an ActiveX control, a victim
>can have their private key sucked off their machine and the encryption which
>"protects" it broken at a remote site without their knowledge.
>Once an attacker has obtained a users private key in this manner, they have
>effectively stolen their (digitial) identity, and can use it to digitally sign
>contracts and agreements, to recover every encryption session key it's ever
>protected in the past and will ever protect in the future, to access private
>and confidential email, and so on and so on. The ease with which this attack
>can be carried out represents a critical weakness which compromises all other
>encryption components on web servers and browsers - once the private key is
>compromised, all security services which depend on it are also compromised.
>A really clever attacker might even do the following:
>- Use (say) an MSIE bug to steal someones ActiveX code signing key.
>- Decrypt it using one of the attacks described below.
>- Use it to sign an ActiveX control which steals other peoples keys.
>- Put it on a web page and wait.
>On the remote chance that the ActiveX control is discovered (which is
>unlikely, since it runs and deletes itself almost instantly, and can't be
>stopped even with the highest "security" setting in MSIE), the attack will be
>blamed on the person the key was stolen from rather than the real attacker.
>This demonstrates major problems in both Microsoft's private key security
>(an attacker can decrypt, and therefore misuse, your private key), and ActiveX
>security (an attacker can create an effectively unstoppable malicious ActiveX
>control and, on the remote chance that it's ever discovered, ensure that
>someone else takes the blame).
>About a year ago I posted an article on how to break Netscape's (then) server
>key encryption to the cypherpunks list (Netscape corrected this problem at
>about the same time as I posted the article). However more than a year after
>the code was published, and 2 1/2 years after a similar problem with Windows
>.PWL file encryption was publicised, Microsoft are still using exactly the
>same weak, easily-broken data format to "protect" users private keys. To
>break this format I simply dusted off my year-old software, changed the
>"Netscape" strings to "Microsoft", and had an encryption-breaker which would
>recover most private keys "protected" with this format in a matter of seconds.
>In addition to the older format, newer Microsoft products also support the
>PKCS #12 format (which they originally called PFX), which Microsoft render as
>useless as the older format by employing the RC2 cipher with a 40-bit key. In
>a truly egalitarian manner, this same level of "security" is used worldwide,
>ensuring that even US users get no security whatsoever when storing their
>private keys. However even RC2/40 can take awhile to break (the exact
>definition of "a while" depends on how much computing power you have
>for most non-funded attackers it ranges from a few hours to a few days).
>Fortunately, there are enough design flaws in PKCS #12 and bugs in Microsofts
>implementation to ensure that we can ignore the encryption key size. This has
>the useful - to an attacker - side-effect that even if Microsoft switch to
>using RC2/128 or triple DES for the encryption, it doesn't make the attackers
>task any more difficult. By combining the code to break the PKCS #12 format
>with the code mentioned above which breaks the older format, we obtain a
>program which, when run on either type of key file, should be able to recover
>the users private keys from most files in a matter of seconds.
>A (somewhat limited) example of this type of program is available in source
>code form from Because
>it's meant as a proof-of-concept program it's somewhat crude, and
>restricted to
>recovering passwords which are single dictionary words. Note: This does not
>mean that using (say) two words as a password instead of one will protect your
>private key. All it means is that I haven't bothered to write anything more
>sophisticated - no doubt anyone who was serious about this could adapt
>something like cracklib's password-generation rules and routines to provide a
>more comprehensive and powerful type of attack. Similarly, by making trivial
>changes to the key file data format it's possible to fool the program until
>someone makes an equally trivial change to the program to track the format
>change - this is meant as a demonstrator only, not a do-everything encryption
>To use the program, compile and invoke it with:
> breakms <Microsoft key file> <word list file>
>Here's what the output should look like (some of the lines have been trimmed a
> File is a PFX/PKCS #12 key file.
> Encrypted data is 1048 bytes long.
> The password which was used to encrypt this Microsoft PFX/PKCS #12 file is
> 'orthogonality'.
> Modulus = 00BB6FE79432CC6EA2D8F970675A5A87BFBE1AFF0BE63E879F2AFFB93644D
> Public exponent = 010001
> Private exponent = 6F05EAD2F27FFAEC84BEC360C4B928FD5F3A9865D0FCAAD291E2
> Prime 1 = 00F3929B9435608F8A22C208D86795271D54EBDFB09DDEF539AB083DA912D
> Prime 2 = 00C50016F89DFF2561347ED1186A46E150E28BF2D0F539A1594BBD7FE4674
> Exponent 1 = 009E7D4326C924AFC1DEA40B45650134966D6F9DFA3A7F9D698CD4ABEA
> Exponent 2 = 00BA84003BB95355AFB7C50DF140C60513D0BA51D637272E355E397779
> Coefficient = 30B9E4F2AFA5AC679F920FC83F1F2DF1BAF1779CF989447FABC2F5628
>Someone sent me a test Microsoft key they had created with MSIE 3.0 and the
>program took just a few seconds to recover the password used to encrypt the
>One excuse offered by Microsoft is that Windows NT has access control lists
>(ACL's) for files which can be used to protect against this attacks and
>the one
>described below. However this isn't notably useful: Most users will be
>Windows '95 which doesn't have ACL's, of the small remainder using NT most
>won't bother setting the ACL's, and in any case since the attack is coming
>software running as the current user (who has full access to the file), the
>ACL's have no effect. The ACL issue is merely a red herring, and offers no
>further protection.
>Further Attacks (information provided by Steve Henson <>)
>There is a further attack possible which works because Microsoft's security
>products rely on the presence of the Microsoft CryptoAPI, which has a
>function called CryptExportKey(). This function hands over a users
>private key
>to anyone who asks for it. The key is encrypted under the current user,
>so any
>other program running under the user can obtain their private key with a
>function call. For example an ActiveX control on a web page could ask for the
>current users key, ship it out to a remote site, and then delete itself from
>the system leaving no trace of what happened, a bit like the mail.exe
>program I
>wrote about 2 years ago which did the same thing for Windows passwords.
>If the
>control is signed, there's no way to stop it from running even with the
>security level selected in MSIE, and since it immediately erases all traces of
>its existence the code signing is worthless.
>Newer versions of the CryptoAPI which come with MSIE 4 allow the user to set a
>flag (CRYPT_USER_PROTECTED) which specifies that the key export function
>be protected with no protection (the default), user notification, or password
>protection. However the way this is implemented makes it pretty much useless.
>Firstly, if the certificate request script used to generate the key
>doesn't set
>this flag, you end up with the default of "no protection" (and the majority of
>users will just use the default of "no protection" anyway). Although
>claim that "reputable CA's won't forget to set this flag", a number of CA's
>tested (including Verisign) don't bother to set it (does this mean that
>Microsoft regard Verisign as a disreputable CA? :-). Because of this, they
>don't even provide the user with the option of selecting something other than
>"no security whatsoever".
>In addition at least one version of CryptoAPI would allow the "user
>notification" level of security to be bypassed by deleting the notification
>dialog resource from memory so that the call would quietly fail and the key
>would be exported anyway (this is fairly tricky to do and involves playing
>the CPU's page protection mechanism, there are easier ways to get the key than
>Finally, the "password protection" level of security asks for the password a
>whopping 16 (yes, *sixteen*) times when exporting the key, even though it only
>needs to do this once. After about the fifth time the user will probably
>on the "remember password" box, moving them back to zero security until they
>reboot the machine and clear the setting, since the key will be exported with
>no notification or password check once the box is clicked.
>To check which level of security you have, try exporting your key certificate.
>If there's no warning/password dialog, you have zero security for your
>key, and
>don't even need to use the encryption-breaking technique I describe elsewhere
>in this article. Any web page you browse could be stealing your key (through
>an embedded ActiveX control) without you ever being aware of it.
>Details on Breaking the Older Format
>The Microsoft key format is very susceptible to both a dictionary attack
>and to
>keystream recovery. It uses the PKCS #8 format for private keys, which
>provides a large amount of known plaintext at the start of the data, in
>combination with RC4 without any form of IV or other preprocessing (even
>PKCS #8 recommends that PKCS #5 password-based encryption be used), which
>you can recover the first 100-odd bytes of key stream with a simple XOR (the
>same mistake they made with their .PWL files, which was publicised 2 1/2 years
>earlier). Although the password is hashed with MD5 (allowing them to
>claim the
>use of a 128-bit key), the way the key is applied provides almost no security.
>This means two things:
>1. It's very simple to write a program to perform a dictionary attack on the
> server key (it originally took me about half an hour using cryptlib,
>, another half hour to rip
> the appropriate code out of cryptlib to create a standalone program, and a
> few minutes to retarget the program from Netscape to Microsoft).
>2. The recovered key stream from the encrypted server key can be used to
> decrypt any other resource encrypted with the server password, *without
> knowing the password*. This is because there's enough known plaintext
> (ASN.1 objects, object identifiers, and public key components) at the start
> of the encrypted data to recover large quantities of key stream. This
> that even if you use a million-bit encryption key, an attacker can still
> recover at least the first 100 bytes of anything you encrypt without
> to know your key (Frank Stevenson's glide.exe program uses this to recover
> passwords from Windows .PWL files in a fraction of a second).
>The problem here is caused by a combination of the PKCS #8 format (which is
>rather nonoptimal for protecting private keys) and the use of RC4 to encryt
>fixed, known plaintext. Since everything is constant, you don't even need to
>run the password-transformation process more than once - just store a
>dictionary of the resulting key stream for each password in a database, and
>you can break the encryption with a single lookup (this would be avoided by
>the use of PKCS #5 password-based encryption, which iterates the key setup and
>uses a salt to make a precomputed dictionary attack impossible. PKCS #5
>states that its primary intended application is for protecting private keys,
>but Microsoft (and Netscape) chose not to use this and went with straight RC4
>encryption instead). This is exactly the same problem which came up with
>Microsoft's .PWL file encryption in 1995, and yet in the 2 1/2 years since I
>exposed this problem they still haven't learnt from their previous mistakes.
>For the curious (and ASN.1-aware), here's what the data formats look like.
>First there's the outer encapsulation which Microsoft use to wrap up the
>encrypted key:
> MicrosoftKey ::= SEQUENCE {
> identifier OCTET STRING ('private-key'),
> encryptedPrivateKeyInfo
> EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo
> }
>Inside this is a PKCS #8 private key:
> EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
> encryptionAlgorithm EncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier,
> encryptedData EncryptedData
> }
> EncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier ::= AlgorithmIdentifier
> EncryptedData = OCTET STRING
>Now the EncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier is supposed to be something like
>pbeWithMD5AndDES, with an associated 64-bit salt and iteration count, but
>Microsoft (and Netscape) ignored this and used straight rc4 with no salt or
>iteration count. The EncryptedData decrypts to:
> PrivateKeyInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
> version Version
> privateKeyAlgorithm PrivateKeyAlgorithmIdentifier
> privateKey PrivateKey
> attributes [ 0 ] IMPLICIT Attributes OPTIONAL
> }
> Version ::= INTEGER
> PrivateKeyAlgorithmIdentifier ::= AlgorithmIdentifier
> PrivateKey ::= OCTET STRING
> Attributes ::= SET OF Attribute
>(and so on and so on, I haven't bothered going down any further). One thing
>worth noting is that Microsoft encode the AlgorithmIdentifier incorrectly by
>omitting the parameters, these should be encoded as a NULL value if there are
>no parameters. In this they differ from Netscape, indicating that both
>companies managed to independently come up with the same broken key storage
>format. Wow.
>For people picking apart the inner key, Microsoft also encode their ASN.1
>INTEGERs incorrectly, so you need to be aware of this when reading out the
>Details on Breaking the PFX/PKCS #12 Format
>The PFX/PKCS #12 format is vastly more complex (and braindamaged) than the
>older format. You can find an overview of some of the bletcherousness in this
>format at After Microsoft
>originally designed the format (calling it PFX) and presented it to the world
>as a fait accompli, cleanup crews from other companies rushed in and fixed
>of the worst problems and security flaws. However by this time Microsoft had
>already shipped implementations which were based on the earlier version with
>all its flaws and holes, and didn't want to change their code any more. A
>side-effect of this was that to be compatible, other vendors had to copy
>Microsofts bugs rather than produce an implementation in accordance with the
>standard. Newer versions of the standard have now been amended to define the
>implementation bugs as a part of the standard.
>Anyway, as a result of this it's possible to mount three independant types of
>attack on Microsoft's PFX/PKCS #12 keys:
>1. Attack the RC2/40 encryption used in all versions, even the US-only one.
>2. Attack the MAC used to protect the entire file. Since the same password is
> used for the MAC and the encrypted key, recovering the MAC password also
> recovers the password used to encrypt the private key. The cleanup crews
> added a MAC iteration count to make this attack harder, but Microsoft
> ignored it.
>3. Attack the private key encryption key directly. Like the MAC's, this also
> has an interation count. Microsoft don't use it.
>Even if one of these flaws is fixed, an attacker can simply switch over and
>concentrate on a different flaw.
>I decided to see which one could be implemented the most efficiently.
>Obviously (1) was out (you need to perform 2^39 RC2 key schedules on average
>to find the key), which left (2) and (3). With the refinements I'm about to
>describe, it turns out that an attack on the private key encryption is
>significantly more efficient than an attack on the MAC.
>To understand how the attack works, you need to look at how PKCS #12 does its
>key processing. The original PFX spec included only some very vague thoughts
>on how to do this. In later PKCS #12 versions this evolved into a somewhat
>garbled offshoot of the PKCS #5 and TLS key processing methods. To decrypt
>data which is "protected" using the PKCS #12 key processing, you need to
>do the
> construct a 64-byte "diversifier" (which differs depending on whether you
> want to set up a key or an IV) and hash it;
> stretch the salt out to 64 bytes and hash it after the diversifier hash;
> stretch the password out to 64 bytes (using incorrect processing of the
> text string, this is one of Microsofts implementation bugs which has
> now become enshrined in the standard) and hash it after the salt hash;
> complete the hash and return the resulting value as either the key or the
> IV, depending on the diversifier setting;
>(it's actually rather more complex than that, this is a stripped-down version
>which is equivalent to what Microsoft use).
>This process is carried out twice, once for the key and once for the IV. The
>hashing is performed using SHA-1, and each of the two invocations of the
>process require 4 passes through the SHA-1 compression function, for a total
>of 8 passes through the function. Because the PKCS #12 spec conveniently
>requires that all data be stretched out to 64 bytes, which happens to be the
>data block size for SHA-1, there's no need for the input processing which is
>usually required for SHA-1 so we can strip this code out and feed the data
>directly into the compression function. Thus the compression function (along
>with the RC2 key setup) is the limiting factor for the speed of an attack.
>Obviously we want to reduce the effort required as much as possible.
>As it turns out, we can eliminate 6 of the 8 passes, cutting our workload by
>75%. First, we observe that the the diversifier is a constant value, so
>instead of setting it up and hashing it, we precompute the hash and store the
>hash value. This eliminates the diversifier, and one pass through SHA-1.
>Next, we observe that the salt never changes for the file being attacked, so
>again instead of setting it up and hashing it, we precompute the hash and
>store the hash value. This eliminates the diversifier, and another pass
>through SHA-1.
>Finally, all that's left is the password. This requires two passes through
>the compression function, one for the password (again conveniently stretched
>to 64 bytes) and a second one to wrap up the hashing.
>In theory we'd need to repeat this process twice, once to generate the
>decryption key and a second time to generate the decryption IV which is used
>to encrypt the data in CBC mode. However the start of the decrypted plaintext
> ...
>and the SEQUENCE is encoded as 30 82 xx xx (where xx xx are the length
>bytes). This means the first 8 bytes will be 30 82 xx xx 30 82 xx xx, and
>will be followed by the object identifier. We can therefore skip the first 8
>bytes and, using them as the IV, decrypt the second 8 bytes and check for the
>object identifier. This eliminates the second PKCS #12 key initialisation
>call which is normally required to generate the IV.
>As this analysis (and the program) shows, Microsoft managed to design a
>"security" format in which you can eliminate 75% of the encryption processing
>work while still allowing an attack on the encrypted data. To make it even
>easier for an attacker, they then dumbed the key down to only 40 bits, even in
>the US-only version of the software. In fact this doesn't really have any
>effect on security, even if they used 128-bit RC2 or triple DES or whatever,
>it would provide no extra security thanks to the broken key processing.