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A Project Management Problem (II)

?- pn1(A,B,C,D,E,F,G).
A::0..4, B::0..5, C::0..4,
D::0..6, E::2..6, F::3..9, G::6..10,
G #>= 4 + E, E #>= 2 + C, C #>= A,
E #>= 1 + B, B #>= A, G #>= 1 + F,
F #>= 3 + D, D #>= A, F #>= 2 + C

Note the slack of the variables
Some constraints must be respected as well
Minimize the total project time:
?- pn1(A,B,C,D,E,F,G), mindomain(G, G).
A = 0, B::0..1, C = 0, D::0..2,
E = 2, F::3..5, G = 6, F #>= 3 + D
Variables without slack represent critical tasks

Last modification: Thu Oct 7 12:04:03 MEST 1999 <>