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(converges very slowly)

- CLP(
- is_E(N, E4*4):- is_E(N, 1, 1, E4).
is_E(0, Mult, Sign, 0).
is_E(N, Mult, Sign, Sign/Mult + RestE):-
N > 0,
is_E(N-1, Mult+1, -Sign, RestE).

- The series added up to the 11
- ?- is_E(11, E).
E = 2.94618

- How many terms needed to achieve a given accuracy?
- ?- abs(E-E1)<0.01, is_E(N,E), is_E(N+1,E1).
N = 400, E1 = 2.77757, E = 2.76759

- abs(E-E1) < 0.01 is delayed and not evaluated until E
and E1 have a known value

- Only an example: can be made much more efficiently
Last modification: Thu Oct 7 12:04:03 MEST 1999 <>