Welcome to the Clip Lab

The West Lab

[CS] [ECE]

The CLIP Lab-WEST is in the Departments of Computer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of New Mexico (USA). The departments are in UNM's Main Campus, located in downtown Albuquerque. Please follow the instructions for accessing UNM's Main Campus.

Once you are at UNM's Main Campus:
The Computer Science Department building is Farris Engineering Center, which is number 119 in the General Map for Visitors, at coordinates I-2. The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department building is number 46 in the map, at coordinates H-2-3.

Manuel Hermenegildo's office is in the ECE building, room 219A.

Postal address is:

Prof. Manuel Hermenegildo
Dept. of Computer Science
MSC 01 1130
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131, USA

Other potentially useful pointers:

  • Fax: (+1 505) 277-6927
  • MH's Office Phone: (+1 505) 277-9328

The East Lab


The CLIP Lab-EAST is located in the School of Computer Science (Facultad de Informática - FIM) of the Technical University of Madrid / Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - UPM (Spain). The School is in UPM's new Montegancedo Campus, located in a residential area (the "Urbanización Montepríncipe") outside Boadilla del Monte, a small residential town 7 km to the SW of Madrid. Please follow the instructions for accessing the Montegancedo Campus.

Once you are at the Campus:
There are three main buildings: a white one and two green ones. Our offices are in the larger one of the two green buildings (in the section marked "Bloque 3"). Here is an aerial view where you can see the different buildings. Once in "Bloque 3", look for room L-3201 (our lab). Manuel Hermenegildo's office is also in the large green building (in the section marked "Bloque 2") room D-2212 (within the "Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial" area).

Postal address is:
Grupo CLIP
Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial
Facultad de Informática
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
E-28660 Boadilla del Monte, Madrid
Other potentially useful pointers:
  • CLIP Lab Phone: (+34) 91-336-7448
  • Fax: (+34) 91-352-4819
  • MH's Office Phone: (+34) 91-336-7435
  • CLIP Group email: <clip@clip.dia.fi.upm.es>
[CLIP] CLIP Group email: <clip@clip.dia.fi.upm.es>
Computational logic,
Implementation and
Parallelism Lab
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Welcome to the CLIP Lab

CS and ECE,at UNM

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[Castellano:] Note for Spanish-speaking visitors.
Please address questions, comments, requests, etc. to <webmaster@clip.dia.fi.upm.es>
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