Documentation Abstract Syntax Tree
Author(s): Manuel Hermenegildo (original version), Jose F. Morales.This module defines the intermediate tree representation doctree/1 for documentation and its related operations.
Usage and interface
- Library usage:
:- use_module(library(autodoc_doctree)). - Exports:
- Predicates:
cmd_type/1, doctree_is_empty/1, is_nonempty_doctree/1, empty_doctree/1, doctree_insert_end/3, doctree_insert_before_section/3, doctree_concat/3, doclink_at/2, doclink_is_local/1, section_prop/2, section_select_prop/3, doctree_save/2, doctree_restore/2, doctree_simplify/2, doctree_putvars/5, doctree_scan_and_save_refs/2, doctree_prepare_docst_translate_and_write/3, doctree_to_rawtext/3, doctree_translate_and_write/3, escape_string/4, is_version/1, version_patch/2, version_date/2, version_numstr/2, version_string/2, insert_show_toc/3. - Regular Types:
doctree/1, doclink/1, doclabel/1, doctokens/1. - Multifiles:
autodoc_rw_command_hook/4, autodoc_escape_string_hook/5.
- Predicates:
- Imports:
- Application modules:
lpdocsrc(src(autodoc_state)), lpdocsrc(src(autodoc_refsdb)), lpdocsrc(src(autodoc_index)), lpdocsrc(src(autodoc_structure)), lpdocsrc(src(autodoc_filesystem)), lpdocsrc(src(autodoc_settings)), lpdocsrc(src(comments)), lpdocsrc(src(autodoc_texinfo)), lpdocsrc(src(autodoc_man)), lpdocsrc(src(autodoc_html)). - System library modules:
write, operators, format, lists, system_extra, read, terms, make/make_rt. - Internal (engine) modules:
term_basic, arithmetic, atomic_basic, basic_props, basiccontrol, data_facts, exceptions, io_aux, io_basic, prolog_flags, streams_basic, system_info, term_compare, term_typing, hiord_rt, debugger_support. - Packages:
prelude, nonpure, dcg, assertions, regtypes, basicmodes, fsyntax.
- Application modules:
Documentation on exports
Insert Elem in A0 at the end, obtaining A
Insert Elem in A0 before the first section, obtaining A
- Call and exit should be compatible with:
(atm/1)Arg1 is an atom.
(doctree/1)Intermediate tree representation for documentation - The following properties should hold at call time:
(nonvar/1)Arg1 is currently a term which is not a free variable.
(nonvar/1)Arg2 is currently a term which is not a free variable.
Traverse R0 and replace each var(Name) doctree item with a fresh variable B. For each replacement, the term B=Var is introduced in VarDict, where Var is the associated value to Name in the dictionary PDict.
- The following properties should hold at call time:
(doctree/1)Intermediate tree representation for documentation
(docstate/1)docstate(DocSt) - The following properties should hold upon exit:
(doctree/1)Intermediate tree representation for documentation
Scan and save the references of the doctree
- The following properties should hold at call time:
(doctree/1)Intermediate tree representation for documentation
Y is a simplified raw text representation of the X
- Call and exit should be compatible with:
(doctree/1)Intermediate tree representation for documentation
(string/1)Y is a string (a list of character codes).
Escapes needed characters in input string as needed for the target format.
- The following properties should hold upon exit:
(atom/1)Arg1 is currently instantiated to an atom.
(string/1)Arg2 is a string (a list of character codes).
(string/1)Arg4 is a string (a list of character codes).
Obtain the string Str representation of version Version (except date)
Obtain the string Str representation of version Version (including date)
Insert the command to show the table of contents in a given doctree/1. The right place may be different depending on the chosen backend.
Documentation on multifiles