A simple pretty-printer for Ciao programs
Author(s): The CLIP Group.
This library module writes out to standard output a clause or a list of clauses.
Usage and interface
- Library usage:
:- use_module(library(pretty_print)). - Exports:
- Predicates:
pretty_print/2, pretty_print/3, pretty_print/4.
- Predicates:
- Imports:
Documentation on exports
Prints each clause in the list Cls after numbering its variables.
- The following properties should hold at call time:
(basic_props:list/2)Flags is a list of flags.
Prints each clause in the list Cls after using the corresponding variable names dictionary in Ds to name its variables.
- The following properties should hold at call time:
(basic_props:list/2)Flags is a list of flags.
(vndict:varnamedict/1)Ds is a dictionary of variable names.
Documentation on internals
A regular type, defined as follows:
clauses([]). clauses([_1|_2]) :- clause(_1), clauses(_2). clauses(_1) :- clause(_1).
A regular type, defined as follows:
clause(_1) :- clterm(_1). clause((_1,_2)) :- clterm(_1), term(_2).
A regular type, defined as follows:
clterm(clause(_1,_2)) :- callable(_1), body(_2). clterm(directive(_1)) :- body(_1). clterm((_1:-_2)) :- callable(_1), body(_2). clterm(_1) :- callable(_1).
A well formed body, including cge expressions and &-concurrent expressions. The atomic goals may or may not have a key in the form ^(goal:any), and may or may not be module qualified, but if they are it has to be in the form ^(^(moddesc:goal):any).
X is a printable body.
A keyword ask/1 flags whether to output asks or whens and nl/1 whether to separate clauses with a blank line or not.
X is a flag for the pretty-printer.
Known bugs and planned improvements
- 2.- If the priority of and operator, &/1 or &/2, is redefined with lower priority than :-/2 or ./1, the written term is incorrect because it does not include parenthesis to make Ciao associate and operator first.