List processing
Author(s): The CLIP Group.
This module provides a set of predicates for list processing.
Usage and interface
- Library usage:
:- use_module(library(lists)). - Exports:
- Predicates:
nonsingle/1, append/3, reverse/2, reverse/3, delete/3, delete_non_ground/3, select/3, length/2, nth/3, add_after/4, add_before/4, dlist/3, list_concat/2, list_insert/2, insert_last/3, contains_ro/2, contains1/2, nocontainsx/2, last/2, list_lookup/3, list_lookup/4, intset_insert/3, intset_delete/3, intset_in/2, intset_sequence/3, intersection/3, union/3, difference/3, equal_lists/2, list_to_list_of_lists/2, powerset/2, cross_product/2, sequence_to_list/2. - Properties:
list1/2, sublist/2, subordlist/2. - Regular Types:
- Predicates:
- Imports:
- System library modules:
assertions/native_props. - Packages:
prelude, nonpure, assertions, isomodes, metatypes, hiord, nativeprops.
- System library modules:
Documentation on exports
X is not a singleton.
nonsingle fails.
- If the following properties should hold at call time:
(term_basic:= /2)term_basic:A=[a]
then the following properties should hold globally:
(native_props:fails/1)Calls of the form nonsingle(A) fail.
nonsingle succeeds.
- If the following properties should hold at call time:
(term_basic:= /2)term_basic:A=[a,b]
- Call and exit should be compatible with:
(basic_props:list/1)Xs is a list.
(basic_props:list/1)Ys is a list.
(basic_props:list/1)Zs is a list.
Zs is Ys appended to Xs.
- The following properties should hold upon exit:
(basic_props:list/1)Xs is a list.
- If the following properties hold at call time:
(basic_props:list/1)Xs is a list.
(basic_props:list/1)Ys is a list.
then the following properties should hold upon exit:
(basic_props:list/1)Zs is a list.
- If the following properties hold at call time:
(basic_props:list/1)Zs is a list.
then the following properties should hold upon exit:
(basic_props:list/1)Xs is a list.
(basic_props:list/1)Ys is a list.
- The following properties should hold upon exit:
(native_props:mshare/1)The sharing pattern is [[X,Y,Z],[X,Z],[Y,Z]].
- If the following properties hold at call time:
(term_typing:ground/1)Xs is currently ground (it contains no variables).
(term_typing:ground/1)Ys is currently ground (it contains no variables).
then the following properties should hold upon exit:
(term_typing:ground/1)Zs is currently ground (it contains no variables).
- If the following properties hold at call time:
(term_typing:ground/1)Zs is currently ground (it contains no variables).
then the following properties should hold upon exit:
(term_typing:ground/1)Xs is currently ground (it contains no variables).
(term_typing:ground/1)Ys is currently ground (it contains no variables).
- The following properties hold globally:
(basic_props:sideff/2)append(Xs,Ys,Zs) is side-effect free.
- If the following properties hold at call time:
(basic_props:list/1)Xs is a list.
then the following properties hold globally:
(basic_props:eval/1)append(Xs,Ys,Zs) is evaluable at compile-time.
- If the following properties hold at call time:
(basic_props:list/1)Zs is a list.
then the following properties hold globally:
(basic_props:eval/1)append(Xs,Ys,Zs) is evaluable at compile-time.
Simple call to append
- If the following properties should hold at call time:
(term_basic:= /2)term_basic:A=[1,2,3]
(term_basic:= /2)term_basic:B=[4,5]
then the following properties should hold upon exit:
(term_basic:= /2)term_basic:C=[1,2,3,4,5]
Simple append test
- If the following properties should hold at call time:
(term_basic:= /2)term_basic:L=[([1,2],[1,2,4,5,6]),([1,2,3],[1,2,3,4,5,6])]
(term_basic:= /2)term_basic:B=[4,5,6]
(basic_props:member/2)A,X2 is an element of L.
then the following properties should hold upon exit:
(term_compare:== /2)The terms X and X2 are strictly identical.
Test of reverse call
- If the following properties should hold at call time:
(term_basic:= /2)term_basic:X=[1,2,3]
then the following properties should hold upon exit:
(basic_props:member/2)A,B is an element of [([],[1,2,3]),([1],[2,3]),([1,2],[3]),([1,2,3],[])].
Empty test.
- If the following properties should hold at call time:
(term_basic:= /2)term_basic:A=[]
(term_basic:= /2)term_basic:B=[]
then the following properties should hold upon exit:
(term_compare:== /2)The terms X and [] are strictly identical.
Test of a call that fails
- If the following properties should hold at call time:
(term_basic:= /2)term_basic:B=[2]
(term_basic:= /2)term_basic:X=[1,2,3]
then the following properties should hold globally:
(native_props:fails/1)Calls of the form append(_A,B,X) fail.
Test of a reverse call.
- If the following properties should hold at call time:
(term_basic:= /2)term_basic:Y=[2]
(term_basic:= /2)term_basic:Z=[1,2]
then the following properties should hold upon exit:
(term_compare:== /2)The terms X and [1] are strictly identical.
Reverses the order of elements in Xs.
- The following properties should hold at call time:
(basic_props:list/1)Xs is a list.
(basic_props:term/1)Ys is any term. - The following properties should hold upon exit:
(basic_props:list/1)Xs is a list.
(basic_props:list/1)Ys is a list.
Reverse a list
- If the following properties should hold at call time:
(term_basic:= /2)term_basic:A=[1,2,3]
then the following properties should hold upon exit:
(term_basic:= /2)term_basic:B=[3,2,1]
- The following properties hold globally:
(basic_props:sideff/2)reverse(Arg1,Arg2) is side-effect free.
- If the following properties hold at call time:
(basic_props:list/1)Xs is a list.
then the following properties hold globally:
(basic_props:eval/1)reverse(Xs,_Ys) is evaluable at compile-time.
Reverse the order of elements in A, and append it with B.
reverse/3 test
- Call and exit should be compatible with:
(term_typing:var/1)B is a free variable. - If the following properties should hold at call time:
(term_basic:= /2)term_basic:A=[1,2,3]
then the following properties should hold upon exit:
(term_basic:= /2)term_basic:C=[3,2,1|B]
- The following properties hold globally:
(basic_props:sideff/2)reverse(Arg1,Arg2,Arg3) is side-effect free.
- If the following properties hold at call time:
(basic_props:list/1)Xs is a list.
(basic_props:list/1)Ys is a list.
then the following properties hold globally:
(basic_props:eval/1)reverse(Xs,Ys,Zs) is evaluable at compile-time.
L2 is L1 without the ocurrences of E.
- The following properties should hold upon exit:
(basic_props:list/1)L1 is a list.
(basic_props:list/1)L2 is a list.
- The following properties hold globally:
(basic_props:sideff/2)delete(Arg1,Arg2,Arg3) is side-effect free.
- If the following properties hold at call time:
(term_typing:ground/1)L1 is currently ground (it contains no variables).
(term_typing:ground/1)L2 is currently ground (it contains no variables).
then the following properties hold globally:
(basic_props:eval/1)delete(L1,E,L2) is evaluable at compile-time.
L2 is L1 without the ocurrences of E. E can be a nonground term so that all the elements in L1 it unifies with will be deleted
- The following properties should hold upon exit:
(basic_props:list/1)L1 is a list.
(basic_props:list/1)L2 is a list.
- The following properties hold globally:
(basic_props:sideff/2)delete_non_ground(Arg1,Arg2,Arg3) is side-effect true.
- If the following properties hold at call time:
(term_typing:ground/1)L1 is currently ground (it contains no variables).
(term_typing:ground/1)L2 is currently ground (it contains no variables).
then the following properties hold globally:
(basic_props:eval/1)delete_non_ground(L1,E,L2) is evaluable at compile-time.
Xs and Ys have the same elements except for one occurrence of X.
- The following properties hold globally:
(basic_props:sideff/2)select(Arg1,Arg2,Arg3) is side-effect free.
- If the following properties hold at call time:
(term_typing:ground/1)X is currently ground (it contains no variables).
(term_typing:ground/1)Xs is currently ground (it contains no variables).
then the following properties hold globally:
(basic_props:eval/1)select(X,Xs,Ys) is evaluable at compile-time.
Usage 1:length(L,N)
Computes the length of L.
- The following properties should hold at call time:
(basic_props:list/1)L is a list.
(term_typing:var/1)N is a free variable. - The following properties should hold upon exit:
(basic_props:list/1)L is a list.
(basic_props:int/1)N is an integer.
Usage 2:length(L,N)
Outputs L of length N.
- The following properties should hold at call time:
(term_typing:var/1)L is a free variable.
(basic_props:int/1)N is an integer. - The following properties should hold upon exit:
(basic_props:list/1)L is a list.
(basic_props:int/1)N is an integer.
Usage 3:length(L,N)
Checks that L is of length N.
- The following properties should hold at call time:
(basic_props:list/1)L is a list.
(basic_props:int/1)N is an integer. - The following properties should hold upon exit:
(basic_props:list/1)L is a list.
(basic_props:int/1)N is an integer.
- The following properties hold globally:
(basic_props:native/1)This predicate is understood natively by CiaoPP.
- The following properties hold globally:
(basic_props:sideff/2)length(Arg1,Arg2) is side-effect free.
- If the following properties hold at call time:
(basic_props:list/1)L is a list.
then the following properties hold globally:
(basic_props:eval/1)length(L,N) is evaluable at compile-time.
- If the following properties hold at call time:
(term_typing:integer/1)N is currently instantiated to an integer.
then the following properties hold globally:
(basic_props:eval/1)length(L,N) is evaluable at compile-time.
N is the position in List of Elem. N counts from one.
Usage 1:
Unifies Elem and the Nth element of List.
- Call and exit should be compatible with:
(basic_props:list/1)List is a list.
(basic_props:term/1)Elem is any term. - The following properties should hold at call time:
(basic_props:int/1)N is an integer. - The following properties should hold upon exit:
(basic_props:list/1)List is a list.
(basic_props:term/1)Elem is any term.
Usage 2:
Finds the positions where Elem is in List. Positions are found in ascending order.
- Call and exit should be compatible with:
(basic_props:list/1)List is a list.
(basic_props:term/1)Elem is any term. - The following properties should hold at call time:
(term_typing:var/1)N is a free variable. - The following properties should hold upon exit:
(basic_props:int/1)N is an integer.
(basic_props:list/1)List is a list.
(basic_props:term/1)Elem is any term.
- The following properties hold globally:
(basic_props:sideff/2)nth(N,List,Elem) is side-effect free.
- If the following properties hold at call time:
(term_typing:integer/1)N is currently instantiated to an integer.
then the following properties hold globally:
(basic_props:eval/1)nth(N,L,E) is evaluable at compile-time.
- If the following properties hold at call time:
(basic_props:list/1)L is a list.
then the following properties hold globally:
(basic_props:eval/1)nth(N,L,E) is evaluable at compile-time.
- If the following properties hold at call time:
(basic_props:int/1)N is an integer.
(basic_props:list/1)L is a list.
then the following properties hold globally:
(native_props:is_det/1)All calls of the form nth(N,L,E) are deterministic.
Adds element E after element E0 (or at end) to list L0 returning in L the new list (uses term comparison).
- The following properties should hold at call time:
(term_typing:nonvar/1)L0 is currently a term which is not a free variable.
(term_typing:nonvar/1)E0 is currently a term which is not a free variable.
(term_typing:nonvar/1)E is currently a term which is not a free variable.
(term_typing:var/1)L is a free variable.
Adds element E before element E0 (or at start) to list L0 returning in L the new list (uses term comparison).
- The following properties should hold at call time:
(term_typing:nonvar/1)L0 is currently a term which is not a free variable.
(term_typing:nonvar/1)E0 is currently a term which is not a free variable.
(term_typing:nonvar/1)E is currently a term which is not a free variable.
(term_typing:var/1)L is a free variable.
X is a list of Ys of at least one element.
List is the result of removing Tail from the end of DList (makes a difference list from a list).
L is the concatenation of all the lists in LL.
- The following properties should hold at call time:
(basic_props:list/2)LL is a list of lists. - The following properties should hold upon exit:
(basic_props:list/1)L is a list.
Adds Term to the end of List if there is no element in List identical to Term.
- The following properties should hold at call time:
(term_typing:nonvar/1)Term is currently a term which is not a free variable.
Adds element E at end of list L0 returning L.
- The following properties should hold at call time:
(term_typing:nonvar/1)L0 is currently a term which is not a free variable.
(term_typing:nonvar/1)E is currently a term which is not a free variable.
Impure membership (does not instantiate a variable in its first argument.
Look up Functor(Key,Value) pair in variable ended key-value pair list L or else add it at the end.
Insert the element B in the ordered set of numbers A.
Generates an ordered set of numbers from 0 to N-1, and append it to L1.
List has the elements which are both in List1 and List2.
- The following properties should hold at call time:
(term_typing:nonvar/1)List1 is currently a term which is not a free variable.
(term_typing:nonvar/1)List2 is currently a term which is not a free variable.
(basic_props:list/1)List1 is a list.
(basic_props:list/1)List2 is a list. - The following properties should hold upon exit:
(basic_props:list/1)List is a list.
List has the elements which are in List1 followed by the elements which are in List2 but not in List1.
- The following properties should hold at call time:
(term_typing:nonvar/1)List1 is currently a term which is not a free variable.
(term_typing:nonvar/1)List2 is currently a term which is not a free variable.
(term_typing:var/1)List is a free variable.
(basic_props:list/1)List1 is a list.
(basic_props:list/1)List2 is a list. - The following properties should hold upon exit:
(basic_props:list/1)List is a list.
List has the elements which are in List1 but not in List2.
- The following properties should hold at call time:
(term_typing:nonvar/1)List1 is currently a term which is not a free variable.
(term_typing:nonvar/1)List2 is currently a term which is not a free variable.
(term_typing:var/1)List is a free variable.
(basic_props:list/1)List1 is a list.
(basic_props:list/1)List2 is a list. - The following properties should hold upon exit:
(basic_props:list/1)List is a list.
List2 contains all the elements of List1.
- If the following properties should hold at call time:
(term_typing:nonvar/1)List2 is currently a term which is not a free variable.
List2 contains all the elements of List1 in the same order.
- If the following properties should hold at call time:
(term_typing:nonvar/1)List2 is currently a term which is not a free variable.
List1 has all the elements of List2, and vice versa.
- The following properties should hold at call time:
(basic_props:list/1)List1 is a list.
(basic_props:list/1)List2 is a list.
Usage 1:list_to_list_of_lists(List,LList)
- The following properties should hold at call time:
(basic_props:list/1)List is a list. - The following properties should hold upon exit:
Usage 2:list_to_list_of_lists(List,LList)
LList is the list of one element lists with elements of List.
- The following properties should hold at call time:
(lists:list_of_lists/1)lists:list_of_lists(LList) - The following properties should hold upon exit:
(basic_props:list/1)List is a list.
LList is the powerset of List, i.e., the list of all lists which have elements of List. If List is ordered, LList and all its elements are ordered.
- The following properties should hold at call time:
(term_typing:nonvar/1)List is currently a term which is not a free variable.
(basic_props:list/1)List is a list. - The following properties should hold upon exit:
List is the cartesian product of the lists in LList, that is, the list of lists formed with one element of each list in LList, in the same order.
- The following properties should hold at call time:
(term_typing:nonvar/1)LList is currently a term which is not a free variable.
(lists:list_of_lists/1)lists:list_of_lists(LList) - The following properties should hold upon exit:
List is the list of all elements in the (comma-separated) sequence Sequence. The use of this predicate is reversible.
list_of_lists([]). list_of_lists([L|Xs]) :- list(L), list_of_lists(Xs).