Dot generator

Author(s): Claudio Ochoa.

This module generates a dot file representing a graph. Nodes and edges can contain labels

Usage and interface

Documentation on exports



Generates a dot file from a list L representing a graph. It receives the basename Filename (without extension) of the output .dot file. Each element of L is a node in the graph, represented by a tuple (Identifier, Label, Edges), where Edges is a list of the outgoing edges of the current node, and each element of Edges is either an Identifier ot a tuple (Identifier,Label). In all cases, Labels are atoms. Type indicates the type of graph. If the graph is a Tree, then final nodes are represented by boxes. In all other cases, nodes are represented by circles

  • The following properties should hold at call time:
    (term_typing:nonvar/1)L is currently a term which is not a free variable.
    (term_typing:nonvar/1)Filename is currently a term which is not a free variable.
    (term_typing:nonvar/1)Type is currently a term which is not a free variable.