Low level Interface between Prolog and blt
Author(s): Isabel Martín García.This module exports some predicates to interact with Tcl-tk, particularly with the bltwish program. Bltwish is a windowing shell consisting of the Tcl command languaje, the Tk toolkit plus the additional commands that comes with the BLT library and a main program that reads commands. It creates a main window and then processes Tcl commands.
Usage and interface
- Library usage:
:- use_module(library(bltclass)). - Exports:
- Predicates:
new_interp/1, tcltk_raw_code/2, interp_file/2. - Regular Types:
- Predicates:
- Imports:
Documentation on exports
Creates a bltwish interprter and returns a socket. The socket allows the comunication between Prolog and Tcl-tk. Thus, bltwish receives the commands through the socket.
- The following properties should hold at call time:
(term_typing:var/1)Interp is a free variable. - The following properties should hold upon exit:
Sends a command line to the interpreter. Tcl-tk parses and executes it.
- The following properties should hold at call time:
(basic_props:string/1)Command_Line is a string (a list of character codes).
This type defines a bltwish interpreter. In fact, the bltwish interpreter receives the commands through the socket created.
bltwish_interp(Interp) :- stream(Interp).
Sends the script file (File) to the interpreter through the socket. A script file is a file that contains commands that Tcl-tk can execute.
- The following properties should hold at call time:
(streams_basic:sourcename/1)File is a source name.