PART VIII - Interfaces to other languages and systems
Author(s): The CLIP Group.The following interfaces to/from Ciao are documented in this part:
- External interface (e.g., to C).
- Socket interface.
- Tcl/tk interface.
- Web interface (http, html, xml, etc.);
- Persistent predicate databases (interface between the Ciao internal database and the external file system).
- SQL-like database interface (interface between the Ciao internal database and external SQL/ODBC systems).
- Java interface.
- Calling emacs from Ciao.
- Foreign Language Interface
- Foreign Language Interface Properties
- Utilities for on-demand compilation of foreign files
- Foreign Language Interface Builder
- Interactive Menus
- menu_generator (library)
- Interface to daVinci
- The Tcl/Tk interface
- The PiLLoW Web programming library
- Persistent predicate database
- Filed predicates
- sqltypes (library)
- persdbtr_sql (library)
- pl2sqlinsert (library)
- Prolog/Java Bidirectional Interface
- Calling emacs from Prolog
- linda (library)