Issues in OR Parallelism
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- Alternative branches are independent:
- Same results are obtained in parallel or sequentially.
- All branches can be safely explored in parallel.
- Same number of branches explored
(only if ``all solutions''! See later).
- Issues in or-parallelism: mostly implementation issues.
(but granularity, side-effects, cuts, and aggregation predicates
complicate things)
- System organization:
- System comprises a collection of workers
- Each worker is an LP/CLP engine with a full set of stacks.
- A scheduler assigns unexplored branches to idle
- Main implementation problem: alternative bindings -
efficiently maintaining different environments per branch (e.g.,
and p
in example).
- Solutions proposed:
- Sharing (e.g. Aurora System [Lusk et al NGC90],
[ECRC], etc.)
- Recomputation (e.g. Delphi model) [Clocksin NGC88]
- Copying (e.g. Muse system) [Ali et al IJPP90]
Thu Jan 18 11:21:33 MET 1996 <>-<>