Project at a Glance: Overview of Workplan
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- Workpackage 2: Integration and Assessment of Effectiveness
- Platform enhancement (ECL
, &-Prolog / Ciao-Prolog, AKL) [ECRC, UPM, SICS]
- Development of Tools for Assessment [ECRC, UPM, SICS]
- Assessment of the Task Identification Tools for CIAO-Type Languages
- Assessment of the Sequentialization Tools for CIAO-Type Languages
- Assessment of the Partial Evaluation Tools for CIAO-Type
Languages [ECRC]
- Assessment of the Partial Evaluation Tools for AKL [SICS]
- Assessment of the Storage Management Tools for AKL [SICS]
- Workpackage 3: Working Group On Parallel Program Development
- Working Group on Parallel Program Development [Bristol, INRIA, et al.]
Thu Jan 18 11:21:33 MET 1996 <>-<>