And-Parallelism Implementation
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- By translation to or-parallelism: [Carlsson]
- Simplicity
- Relatively high overhead
higher need for
granularity control
- Used in ECL
- Direct implementation:
- Abstract machine needs to be modified: e.g., PWAM / Marker model
or AKL machine.
- System comprises a collection of agents
- Each agent is an LP/CLP engine with a full set of stacks.
- Scheduling is normally done lazily through goal
- Low overhead (but granularity control still useful)
- Direct support for concurrent/parallel language
- Used in &-Prolog/Ciao-Prolog system and AKL.
- Issues in direct implementation:
- Scheduling / fast task startup
- Memory management
- Use of analysis information to improve indexing
- Local environment support (AKL)
- Recomputation vs. copying
- Efficient implementation of parallel backtracking
- Efficient implementation of ask
- etc.
Thu Jan 18 11:21:33 MET 1996 <>-<>