Lower Bound Cost Analysis
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- Given mode and (upper approximation of) type information
about procedures, the analysis automatically derives lower bounds on
their computational costs (resolution steps).
- Estimation of lower bounds more complex than upper bounds (take into
account possibility of failure).
- Failure of head unification leads to a trivial lower bound of 0.
- Improved non-failure analysis:
given mode and (upper approximation of) type information, detects
procedures (and calls) that can be guaranteed not to fail.
- Non-failure information is useful for:
- Program transformations (execute possibly-failing goals
ahead of non-failing goals).
- Systems that exploit speculative parallelism.
Thu Jan 18 11:27:49 MET 1996 <herme@fi.upm.es>-<webmaster@clip.dia.fi.upm.es>