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Granularity analysis/control is a particularly promising technique because it
can make it feasible to exploit low-cost parallel architectures, such
as workstations on a local area network.
The assessment (in collaboration with ECRC) of the granularity
analysis/control module within the ECLPS environment has
shown very promising results, significantly increasing speedups, both
for and- and or-parallelism.
It is not essential to be absolutely precise in inferring the best
grain size for a problem: there is a reasonable amount of leeway in
how precise this information has to be.
This suggests that granularity control can usefully be performed
automatically by a compiler.
- The techniques are not only useful in the improvement
of independent and-parallelism and or-parallelism
, but also for ``data-parallelism.''
Thu Jan 18 11:27:49 MET 1996 <>-<>