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- Aim of granularity control: change parallel execution to
sequential execution or vice-versa based on conditions related to
grain size and overheads.
- Benefits greater for systems with greater
parallel execution overheads.
- Small shared memory multiprocessors: beneficial.
- Distributed memory multiprocessors,
workstation ``farms'', etc: essential.
In general cannot be done completely at compile-time: work done by a
call to a recursive procedure often depends on the size of its input.
- Basic approach (DLH90):
Do as much work at compile-time as possible and relegate some tests
and final decisions to run-time.
Generate at compile-time cost functions which estimate grain size as
a function of input data size: evaluated at run-time when size is
- Transformed programs automatically control granularity.
Thu Jan 18 11:27:49 MET 1996 <>-<>