Sequentialization / Granularity Control [UPM]
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- State of the art prior to project:
- Basic, cost function based granularity control approach
- Achievements:
- Proposed conditions for controlling parallelism based on both
upper and lower bounds on task cost.
- Proposed transformations for dynamic term size
computation and reduction of run-time granularity
control overhead.
- Extended techniques to OR-Parallelism.
- Developed lower bound cost analysis (including non-failure
analysis) and a specialized analysis for divide-and-conquer
- Achieved first (prototype) completely automatic granularity
control system by integrating CASLOG (upper bound analysis) with
automatic inference of mode information, size measure, and types.
- Tested and assessed the approach and techniques (with ECL
and Ciao-Prolog).
Thu Jan 18 11:30:54 MET 1996 <>-<>