Parallelization [UPM]
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- State of the art prior to project:
- Basic technology and tools for strict independence.
- Achievements:
- New partitioning framework proposed and implemented:
parametric w.r.t. concept of independence and analysis and
transformation algorithms.
- Correctness of parallelization algorithms and methodology for
applying analysis information shown.
- Parallelization algorithms and effectiveness of global analysis
extensively assessed (also on ECL
- Proposed, implemented and assessed algorithms for efficient
exploitation of non-strict independence -
first such parallelizer; favorably subsumes strict
independence-based parallelizers.
- Achieved substantially increased speedups (specially when little
information given by user) by multiple specialization.
- Overall compiler compares very favorably with commercial
systems for imperative languages in symbolic applications.
- Identified several avenues for improvement and special cases
(e.g., integer index loops) where techniques from imperative
programming can be useful.
Thu Jan 18 11:30:54 MET 1996 <>-<>