1995 Area Report
Parallelism and Implementation Technologies

Manuel Hermenegildo (Coordinator).
CLIP Group.
Facultad de Informatica.
Technical University of Madrid (UPM).

Area activities in 1995 continued along the lines set up in the previous years:

  1. organization of the area meeting
  2. updating the area description information
  3. information gathering from centers working in computational logic implementation and parallelism inside and outside the EU
  4. providing area input to the newsletter
  5. management of the area mailing list and WWW information
  6. participation in executive committee meetings
  7. other activities coordinated by the executive committee
A summary of the main activities/results in these areas is given below.

Special emphasis has been put on completing the Area WWW pages, as well as provinding input regarding the organization of the general pages.

Plans for next year include continuation of the 1995 activities, including the organization of the area meeting. The date/place of the meeting has not been fixed yet but it will be either in conjunction with PLILP'96 in Aachen (Germany), or in Madrid, earlier in the year.

1.- WWW Area Info

WWW is becoming one of the main information exchange forums worldwide and the network is not oblivious to this. Given that one of the central objectives of the area is to improve information flow within the network in matters related to the area, we have made in this period an effort at the coordinating node towards providing some central area pages with relatively extensive area information. This information is intended to complement the general network info in the central pages, by being more specific to the issues of interest in the area. Information available at this point includes an area description, all past area reports, and information on all past area meetings (including on-line versions of the papers presented). Pointers are also provided to area nodes with WWW pages (including of course our node at UPM) as the information becomes available to us, to the central pages, to the EU info on Compulog-net, etc. In addition, the "compulog-parimp@dia.fi.upm.es" mailing list is of course still being maintained. The area WWW address is http://www.clip.dia.fi.upm.es/Projects/COMPULOG/compulog.html

2.- 1995 Area Meeting Report

The 1995 COMPULOG-NET Workshop and Area Meeting on Parallelism and Implementation Technology was held in Utrecht, September 23, 1995, immediately after LOPSTR and PLILP 1995. The meeting followed the line of the previous two workshops in Madrid in September 1993 and September 1994 (the latter in conjunction with PLILP/ALP'94). Papers were invited describing work on any topic related to Implementation Techniques, Foundations of Parallelism and Concurrency, Abstract Machines, Compilation methods, Program Optimization, Sequential and Parallel Execution Models, Automatic Parallelization, Concurrent/Parallel Languages, Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Studies, Experiences in the Implementation of Systems, etc. The papers presented at the meeting are also available online.

3.- Basic Area Information Update

The objective of the area is to serve as a communications vehicle for members interested in subjects related to the implementation of Computational Logic systems, from basic technologies to practical issues. The transfer to and exploitation of such technology by industry and the general application of Computational Logic are also issues of central interest of the area. Topics include: Implementation techniques, Foundations of parallelism and concurrency, Abstract Machines, Compilation methods, Program Optimization, Parallel Execution Models, Automatic Parallelization, Concurrent/Parallel languages, Performance Evaluation methodologies and studies, etc.

Activities that are specific to the area include an annual meeting, the "compulognet-parimp@dia.fi.upm.es" mailing list, and a repository of WWW information. Our main objective with these activities is to improve information flow in the area. If you would like to to have your node included in the official roster of the Area and the mailing list, please simply send a message to "compulognet-parimp-request@dia.fi.upm.es" with relevant data (email address at the minimum, but, preferably, also WWW address, phone number, physical address, and a brief description of your node, activities, and interests).

3.- Input to the newsletter

Area information was provided for the issues of the newsletter in this period including area updates, area meeting report, node descriptions, conference reports, project reports, meeting plans, recent PhD updates, etc. The newsletter is expected to also be available on-line shortly.