SUMMARY: older OS on a SPARC20

Dino Rivera (
Fri, 03 Apr 1998 17:10:53 -0800

Thanks to the following people who replied and I apologize if I missed anyone:

Benjamin Cline <>
Joel Lee <>
Eugene Kramer <>
Art Freeman <>
Dan Simoes <>
Vikas Arora <>
FrodMark Hargrave <>
e Stromsvag <frode@sol>
Mark Hargrave <>
Matthew Stier" <
Sean Ward <>
Seth Rothenberg <>
Janet Hoo <Janet.Hoo@Ebay.Sun.COM>
bismark@alta.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (Bismark Espinoza

The problem was the release that I was using. It is 1.1.1 which equates to
SunOS 4.1.3_UB . I need to be running Solaris 1.1.2 or higher which equates
to SunOS 4.1.4.
thanks for all the great responses and yes, I did try them all.

Dino Rivera


Dino Rivera Email:
System Administrator Phone: (650) 842-3370
Corsair Communications Pager: (650) 423-9495

"It is like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don't
concentrate on the finger, or you will miss all that
heavenly glory."
