I had alot of replys.The recommended Apple Talk Servers were :
Netatalk ( University of Michigan ): http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/appletalk/cap.page
CAP (Columbia AppleTalk) : http://paella.med.yale.edu/topics/CAP.html
Adrian Sun's Netatalk : ftp://ftp.u.washington.edu/public/asun
Ushare ( I don't know ftp/web site for this )
SAMBA (latest version ) : http://samba.anu.edu.au/samba/
TotalNet ( from Syntax Inc ) : currently shiped with Solaris - need to check for license !!
Ksd Apple Service ( I don't know ftp/web site for it )
Xinet Apple Server : http://www.xinet.com.
I will test netatalk and CAP since they were recommended by many for their stability but I
need to compile them first.If anyone can save me compilation time/headache, I will appreciate it.
I hope I didn't forget a name... Thanx to ...
Mark Bergman bergman@phri.nyu.edu
Mark Phillips Mark.Phillips@unisa.edu.au
Benjamin R. Cline benji@hnt.com
Bullock, Marty Marty.Bullock@sea.siemens.com
Patrick Shannon pshannon@schwab.com
Marc Newman MARC.NEWMAN@chase.com
Pierre Padovani padovani@aaec.com
UNIX Network Administrator nobroin@esoc.esa.de
Catherine Wattebot cathy@maths.warwick.ac.uk
James Noad jehn@cortex.shef.ac.uk
Craig Whytock cwhytock@cims.co.uk
Jose Lopez Jose_Gonzalez@Mat.UCM.Es
Niall Broin nobroin@esoc.esa.de
Flavio Elizalde elizalde@iconet.com.br
Kevin Sheehan Kevin.Sheehan@uniq.com.au
Peter Bestel peter.bestel@uniq.com.au
Dave dburwell@telecom.com
Jing jing.zhang@ic.ac.uk
Dan Pritts danno@ans.net
Troy Wollenslegel troy@intranet.org
Celeste Stokely celeste@celestial.stokely.com
Bob Rahe bob@hobbes.dtcc.edu
Rick Reineman reineman1@raiders.llnl.gov
Larry Pazdernik lpazdern@genie.esu10.k12.ne.us
Tom Bosick tbosick@mail.hollywood.com
Dan Penrod dan@paradyne.com
Amjad Zamil < amjadz@sts.com.jo >