I ended up "hanging up" these processes:
# kill -HUP `ps -e | grep dtscreen | awk '{print $1}'`
and sending a SIGKILL to these processes,
as they would not respond to the hang-up:
# kill -9 `ps -e | grep dtexec | awk '{print $1}'`
I am still not sure why all of these processes ended up
on the Ultra1. If anyone has any further ideas I would
still be glad to receive mail about this.
I did not receive any responses to my original message.
original message:
Dear Sun Managers,
The executables,
are being left as lingering processes on my Sun Ultra1 Creator.
I would like to find out why they are lingering, get rid of them
in a safe way, and fix the machine so that this problem doesn't persist.
Any help would be very much appreciated, and I will summarize.
Thanks in advance,
Michael Phelan
The details:
There are many instances of each:
# ps -ef | grep dtexec | wc -l
# ps -ef | grep dtscreen | wc -l
Here is a small sample from
# ps -ef
root 4851 1 0 Mar 20 ? 0:00 /usr/dt/bin/dtexec -open
0 -ttprocid 1.r4Hqy 01 20506 1342177279 1
0 0 198.3.10
root 4583 4582 0 Mar 20 ? 0:00 /usr/dt/bin/dtscreen
-mode life
root 4582 1 0 Mar 20 ? 0:00 /usr/dt/bin/dtexec -open
0 -ttprocid 1.r4Hqy 01 20506 1342177279 1
0 0 198.3.10
root 5359 1 0 Mar 21 ? 0:00 /usr/dt/bin/dtexec -open
0 -ttprocid 1.r4Hqy 01 20506 1342177279 1
0 0 198.3.10
cid 1.r4Hqy 01 20506 1342177279 1 0 0 198.3.10 /usr/dt/bin/dtexec -open
0 -ttpro
root 5591 1 0 Mar 21 ? 0:00 /usr/dt/bin/dtexec -open
0 -ttprocid 1.r4Hqy 01 20506 1342177279 1
0 0 198.3.10
root 17302 1 0 09:35:32 ? 0:00 /usr/dt/bin/ttsession -s
root 4724 4723 0 Mar 20 ? 0:00 /usr/dt/bin/dtscreen
-mode life
These processes are not taking up a lot of CPU time.
Here is the abbreviated output of
# top
last pid: 17552; load averages: 0.11, 0.10, 0.07 10:13:14
1304 processes:1303 sleeping, 1 on cpu
Memory: 246M real, 36M free, 612M swap, 49M free swap
17552 mphelan 9 0 2320K 1536K cpu 0:00 1.22% 1.22% top
17548 ttd 33 0 14M 12M sleep 0:02 1.11% 1.11% agwish
17186 root 33 0 13M 10M sleep 0:06 0.97% 0.97% atmmand
12300 ttd 21 4 10M 9168K sleep 1:24 0.35% 0.35%
17332 mphelan 33 0 1176K 1072K sleep 0:00 0.11% 0.11% csh
165 root 27 0 3272K 1376K sleep 0:26 0.02% 0.02% nscd
145 root 33 0 3648K 2288K sleep 16:59 0.02% 0.02%
/usr/dt/bin/dtscreen is a command to bring up a "screen saver" program.
I am not sure what dtexec does.
I have searched the man pages, and found no entry for dtexec or
SunSolve had some unrelated bug reports relating to these commands, and
patches, but all for Solaris 2.6
docs.sun.com had no relevent references to these two commands.
My workstation information:
Sun Ultra1 Creator
Solaris 2.5.1
patches installed:
Patch: 103630-09 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWcsu, SUNWcsr
Patch: 103663-08 Obsoletes: 103683-01 Packages: SUNWcsu, SUNWcsr,
Patch: 103582-15 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWcsu, SUNWcsr
Patch: 103594-13 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWcsu
Patch: 103600-18 Obsoletes: 103609-02 Packages: SUNWcsu, SUNWcsr
Patch: 103603-05 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWcsu
Patch: 103612-33 Obsoletes: 103615-04, 103654-01 Packages: SUNWcsu,
SUNWcsr, SUNWarc, SUNWscpu, SUNWfns, SUNWnisu, SUNWsra, SUNWsutl
Patch: 103640-12 Obsoletes: 103591-09, 103658-02, 103920-05 Packages:
SUNWcsu, SUNWcsr, SUNWkvm, SUNWcar, SUNWhea
Patch: 103690-05 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWcsu
Patch: 103696-03 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWcsu, SUNWcsr
Patch: 103934-06 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWcsu, SUNWcsr, SUNWhea
Patch: 104266-01 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWcsu
Patch: 104317-01 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWcsu
Patch: 104331-04 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWcsu
Patch: 104433-06 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWcsu, SUNWcsr
Patch: 104334-01 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWcsu
Patch: 104613-01 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWcsu
Patch: 104650-02 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWcsu
Patch: 104654-03 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWcsu
Patch: 104692-01 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWcsu
Patch: 104708-09 Obsoletes: 104710-01, 103766-02 Packages: SUNWcsu,
SUNWhea, SUNWssadv, SUNWssaop
Patch: 104736-03 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWcsu
Patch: 104776-01 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWcsu, SUNWarc
Patch: 104935-01 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWcsu
Patch: 104956-04 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWcsu
Patch: 104958-01 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWcsu
Patch: 104960-01 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWcsu
Patch: 104968-01 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWcsu
Patch: 105050-01 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWcsu, SUNWscpu
Patch: 105092-01 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWcsu
Patch: 104893-01 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWcsr
Patch: 105004-06 Obsoletes: 104604-04 Packages: SUNWcsr, SUNWcar,
Patch: 105299-01 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWcsr
Patch: 104795-02 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWkvm
Patch: 103566-24 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWxwplt, SUNWxwopt, SUNWxwslb
Patch: 104338-02 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWxwplt, SUNWxwslb
Patch: 104010-01 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWvolu
Patch: 103901-08 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWolrte, SUNWolinc, SUNWolslb
Patch: 104533-03 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWolrte, SUNWolslb
Patch: 104976-03 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWoldcv, SUNWoldst
Patch: 103461-18 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWmfrun
Patch: 103558-11 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWadmap, SUNWadmc, SUNWsadml
Patch: 103879-04 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWkcsrt
Patch: 104516-03 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWapppu
Patch: 103959-05 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWscpu, SUNWlpr, SUNWlpu,
Patch: 103866-04 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWbcp
Patch: 104212-09 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWhmd, SUNWhmdu
Patch: 104246-05 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWhmd, SUNWhmdu
Patch: 103686-02 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWnisu
Patch: 103900-01 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWowbcp
Patch: 105251-01 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWowbcp
-- Michael Phelan