SUMMARY: Anonymous ftp server

Venu M Middela (
Tue, 31 Mar 1998 04:15:32 -0500 (EST)

Hello Gurus!
Thanks to following who responded.
The solution is from the man pages for ftpd.It
seems to work fine right now.

Amjad Zamil < >
Stefan Voss <>
boenning <>
Russ Poffenberger <>
Amol Karnik <>
Michael J. Garcia" <>
Janet Hoo <Janet.Hoo@Ebay.Sun.COM>
Rajeev Kumar <>
Benjamin Cline <>
Sean McInerney <>
Louis Hoo <>
Sean Ward <>
Richard Skelton <>
David Schiffrin <>
"Daniel J. Gregor Jr." <>
Dongho Lee - Sun Korea Taegu SE <Dongho.Lee@Korea.Sun.COM> "
Jeffrey B. Davis" <>
Derrick Lim <>
Clemens Schmuck <>
Ron Spillane <>

Thanks again,

Venu M Middela

My Original Question was >

> Hello Sun Managers!!
> I need to set up an anonymous ftp server on my solaris 2.5.1
> box which is a NIS , mail and internet server. I have gone through many of
> the Sun answer books and other relevant documentation but not of much
> help. The users need it as early as possible .If someone could tell me how
> to do this I would greatly appreciate it!!
> Thanks and will summarise!!!
> Thanks again,
> Venu M Middela