SUMMARY: mount point changed?

Jeffrey Liu (
Mon, 30 Mar 1998 11:25:09 -0800 (PST)

I didn't receive any email to give a good explanation.
Most of them just tell me what automount works.
But I still don't understand why 'pwd' reports different path
then the real mounting path, even the files are accessable.
Anyway, umount -a/mount -a or reboot the system can fix the
> Date: Wed, 25 Mar 1998 11:31:44 -0800 (PST)
> From: Jeffrey Liu <>
> Subject: mount point changed?
> To:
> Cc:
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-MD5: I6+C3OiqFLPGanB7UqI1CQ==
> Can someone know why the mount point has been changed on
> a system? client is a SunOS 4.1.4 and FS share server is Solaris 2.5.1
> All the command run on SunOS 4.1.4
> jliu@dragon% showmount -e axws1
> export list for axws1:
> /export/share (everyone)
> /export/hawkeye (everyone)
> jliu@dragon% mount | grep axws1
> axws1:/export/share on /tmp_mnt/net/axws1/export/share type nfs
> (rw,intr,bg,soft)
> axws1:/export/hawkeye on /tmp_mnt/net/axws1/export/hawkeye type nfs
> (rw,intr,bg,soft)
> jliu@dragon% cd !$
> cd /net/axws1/export/hawkeye
> jliu@dragon% df . ( <=== the mount point has changed!! )
> Filesystem kbytes used avail capacity Mounted on
> axws1:/export/share 1952573 1513540 243783 86%
> /tmp_mnt/net/axws1/export/share
> ---- more details -----
> jliu@dragon% pwd
> /tmp_mnt/net/axws1/export
> jliu@dragon% ls
> hawkeye share
> jliu@dragon% cd hawkeye
> jliu@dragon% ls
> ken kristin lost+found
> jliu@dragon% cd ken ( <= so far, we can access this directory )
> jliu@dragon% pwd
> /tmp_mnt/net/axws1/export/share/ken ( <= mount point changed, share?hawkeye )
> jliu@dragon% df .
> Filesystem kbytes used avail capacity Mounted on
> Could not find mount point for . ( <= no mount point for hawkeye? )
> Thanks for help.
> ===========================================
> Jeffrey Liu
> Aptix Corp. System Administrator
> 408-428-6223 (w) 408-944-0646 (fax)
> ===========================================

Jeffrey Liu
Aptix Corp. System Administrator
408-428-6223 (w) 408-944-0646 (fax)