Well, It looks like I solved the problem. As usual, it was nothing like what I
expected it to be...
It's like this: a ways back, I ordered this E5000 with an internal tape
drive. (AH HA!) Now, when I plugged in the DLT7000, I did the smart thing and
stuck it on target 5. (Assuming Sun had put the 8mm internal on 4. RIGHT??)
Time passed, and I spaced out and forgot about the internal drive, so
when I checked /dev/rmt/0u and found it to be a DLT700, I said, "Cool!,
all is great here."
Er, um.... Well, you can now see the source of my problem. TWO drives
sitting at target 5 on the same SCSI bus. (This is compounded by
my deviating from normal - usually I stick DLT's on their own
SunSwift card, but since this 5000 boots off the SSA, I decided to
use the nice, (mostly) empty internal bus. Heh, heh.
Thanks to:
doug@tor.digidyne.ca (Douglas Purdy)
Rich Kulawiec <rsk@gsp.org>
Who had nice interesting ideas anyway. Thanks folks!
-Peter L. Wargo | plw@ncgr.org | +1 505 995 4476
Senior Systems Administrator
The National Center for Genome Resources
Santa Fe, NM 87505 (USA) | http://www.ncgr.org