David Schiffrin <daves@adnc.com>
Dave S. Foster <foster@bial1.ucsd.edu>
Kevin Sheehan <Kevin.Sheehan@uniq.com.au>
Sidney L. Schofield <sidney@coastal.ufl.edu>
I've a machine that is broadcasting on UDP Port 3003,
and is there a way to do a snoop or tcpdump but on a
UDP port instead? I tried netstat but did not see
anything for it. <It's showing up on our firewall
management station but doesn't tell me what that is>.
This is a transaction server that's also running
Netscape Webserver, Netscape Certificate Server on
Solaris 2.5.1 on a Sparc20.
Try this:
snoop udp port 3003 (or snoop proto udp port 3003)
--- Ju julienlim@rocketmail.com
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