unixhelp@win.tue.nl (Usercode voor Unixvragen)
Jeff Woolsey <woolsey@jlw.com>
Craig Whytock <cwhytock@cims.co.uk>
Patrick Patterson <sys-admin@gdc.ca>
Nickolai Zeldovich <kolya@zepa.net>
Bob Radvanovsky <i3cs@wwa.com>
Tim Carlson <tim@santafe.edu>
Sandeep Patni <sandeep@airmail.hobl.lucent.com>
David Dhunjishaw <dave@colltech.com>
James Harmon <jharmon@telecnnct.com>
Daniel Kluge <danielk@tibco.com>
Original Question:
I seem to have problems telnetting to localhost
on ports 80 and 443; however, when I telnet to other
ports (e.g. 25, 1080), it's fine. If I telnet to the
hostname on port 80, it also is fine. What causes
this? Also, how do I fix it?
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection
root@Bashful:/ =>telnet localhost 443
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection
Update (revision based on questions I received):
I *can* telnet to bashful with no problem or any other
ports for that matter.
In answer to all the questions/recommendations:
(1) This Netscape Server does not selectively block
access from certain hosts (I should mention that I
was running the telnet to localhost from the machine
itself, i.e. bashful -- which is the localhost).
(2) port 80 is the default port for the Netscape
webserver (http), and port 443 is for the Certificate
server (https). And yes... I do have the webservers
running... it responds from a browser with no problem
at all.
(3) we're not using TCP wrappers and this machine
is not a firewall -- this machine is on our
internal network. Moreover, we're not doing any
virtual hosting on this machine either.
(4) I do have the loopback device configured.
(5) Why would you ever want to telnet into a machine
on any port other than the default of 23?? -- just to
test it, e.g. with a GET...
(6) it's only got one interface
Recommendations to check out:
(a) netstat -a
(b) /etc/services - make sure ports 80 and 443 are
(c) /etc/inetd.conf
(d) Netscape Enterprise Server binds to an ip
E.g. on port 80. Since this is
the same as which is localhost loopback
it might not be answering.
It is very likely the case that the http server is
configured so that it binds to the IP address,
Under apache, use 'Bindaddress *' or
'Bindaddress' so it listens to ALL
instead of just the ethernet-interface.
(e) If you telnet from bashful to bashful, it will
check access permissions from host bashful; if
telnet to localhost, it will check localhost.
Are you sure this couldn't be the cause of the
(f) 80 is a typical PROXY address, where a firewall
may only allow direct access to the HTTP/FTP/etc.
programs, not to a user running telnet.
---Ju julienlim@rocketmail.com
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