Summary: Netscape Messaging and Netscape Collabra servers

Ju-Lien Lim (
Tue, 24 Mar 1998 21:03:40 -0800 (PST)

I had earlier posted a question regarding migrating
Netscape Mail 2.x to Netscape Messaging 3.5 and
Netscape News to Netscape Collabra 3.5 servers, wherein
I encountered problems wherein after my upgrade/
migration (which did not go smoothly at all), mail
worked for a short time and then ceased to work,
and the news server would not convert properly and
some configurations did not transfer at all or got
corrupted. Now I'm getting a lot of zombie

Anyway, I sincerely apologize to everyone for wasting
your time as well as inconveniencing everyone. In
case anyone's interested, it turned out to be a control
file in the mailbox was causing these problems <I had
originally thought it was Sun jumbo patches... 'cos
it did not complete the installation>. In addition, my
thanks to those who were kind enough to remind me that
*no matter what* I should refrain from posting non-Sun
related questions.

Once again, sorry for the inconvenience, and I
appreciate all the assistance I've receive to date.


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