SUMMARY: Bad Magic Number

Daniel Galicia (
Tue, 24 Mar 1998 10:31:42 -0600

Even when I could correct the problem of the Bad Magic Number in my boot
disk, and restore the information from it (especially some links to raw
I could not make it start up again, so I finished installing Solaris 2.5.1
(it had SunOs
What I did was.

Boot from the CD-ROM
Install de Mini-root
run fsck on the boot disk
run de format utility
re-label de disk
mount the disk

By the way, I checked the disk on a Sparc 5 with Solaris 2.5.1, wich seems
handle this type of problems in a better way.
I'm not shure what caused the problem but it disapeared when I formated
the drive.

Thanks to all who reponded.