Larry Pazdernik (
Mon, 23 Mar 1998 09:16:29 -0600

I am still trying to resolve this problem, but I would like to thank the
following persons for taking time from their busy schedules to answer this
question. My original question is at the bottom of this posting.

As I am new to Unix and Solaris, part of my problem is that I am sometimes
not sure of how to properly phrase a question. ( The remaining 90% of the
problem is that I am the only computer tech for our school district--and as
such--I mostly am working on our Mac's and PC's--I don't get a lot of time
to work on this
Sun Server)Please do not misunderstand me here. I have the greatest respect
for the members of this list, and I know most of you are very, very busy also.

Back to the subject--The source of this problem is affecting more than just
the ppp--although I did not know that at the time of the original post--but
we dial in from home--the Login Screen on the terminal window is full of
characters and extra x's o's and 8's--so whatever is at the source may be
affecting the ppp--but it involves more than just the ppp.

Thanks to: Clara Hatem, Celeste Stokely, and Patrick Hawley.
Special Thanks to Jim Gillmore, who was kind enough to send a copy of his
ttydefs file.

The answers I received are as follows:

Celeste Stokely suggested the PPP FAQ at:

Clara Hatem also suggested Celeste Stokely's URL ( see above).

Patrick Hawley suggested the Solaris 2.4 FAQ at:

And as mentioned before, Jim Gillmore send me a copy of his ttydefs file.

Original Post:
Hi Sun-Managers:
I am still attempting to troubleshoot our login problems with ppp.
Can you provide me with any background info on files or services that
provide communications protocol info--such as parity bits, stop bits
and data bits? What file or service in solaris 2.5.1 provides this?

Also, if it is at all possible, can someone who has ppp running
successfully with Solaris 2.5.1 please send me a copy of your
/etc/ttydefs file?

I am not sure if we received the complete set of manuals for solaris, but
I could not find anything about ppp in the manuals we have.

Your help is very much appreciated, as I have many irate users who would
like this ppp service running again.

Thanks in Advance, and I will summarize.

This is the /etc/ttydefs file on our server:
contty6H:38400 cs8 opost crtscts -parity onlcr:38400 sane -parity cs8
crtscts h
38400:38400 hupcl:38400 hupcl::19200
19200:19200 hupcl:19200 hupcl::9600
9600:9600 hupcl:9600 hupcl::4800
4800:4800 hupcl:4800 hupcl::2400
2400:2400 hupcl:2400 hupcl::1200
1200:1200 hupcl:1200 hupcl::300
300:300 hupcl:300 hupcl::38400

38400E:38400 hupcl evenp:38400 evenp::19200
19200E:19200 hupcl evenp:19200 evenp::9600
9600E:9600 hupcl evenp:9600 evenp::4800
4800E:4800 hupcl evenp:4800 evenp::2400
2400E:2400 hupcl evenp:2400 evenp::1200
1200E:1200 hupcl evenp:1200 evenp::300
300E:300 hupcl evenp:300 evenp::19200

auto:hupcl:sane hupcl:A:9600

console:9600 hupcl opost onlcr:9600::console
console1:1200 hupcl opost onlcr:1200::console2
console2:300 hupcl opost onlcr:300::console3
console3:2400 hupcl opost onlcr:2400::console4
console4:4800 hupcl opost onlcr:4800::console5
console5:19200 hupcl opost onlcr:19200::console

contty:9600 hupcl opost onlcr:9600 sane::contty1
contty1:1200 hupcl opost onlcr:1200 sane::contty2
contty2:300 hupcl opost onlcr:300 sane::contty3
contty3:2400 hupcl opost onlcr:2400 sane::contty4
contty4:4800 hupcl opost onlcr:4800 sane::contty5
contty5:19200 hupcl opost onlcr:19200 sane::contty

4800H:4800:4800 sane hupcl::9600H>9600H:9600:9600 sane hupcl::19200H
19200H:19200:19200 sane hupcl::38400H
38400H:38400:38400 sane hupcl::2400H
2400H:2400:2400 sane hupcl::1200H
1200H:1200:1200 sane hupcl::300H
300H:300:300 sane hupcl::4800H

conttyH:9600 opost onlcr:9600 hupcl sane::contty1H
contty1H:1200 opost onlcr:1200 hupcl sane::contty2H
contty2H:300 opost onlcr:300 hupcl sane::contty3H
contty3H:2400 opost onlcr:2400 hupcl sane::contty4H
contty4H:4800 opost onlcr:4800 hupcl sane::contty5H
contty5H:19200 opost onlcr:19200 crtscts hupcl sane::conttyH

conttyH8hi:38400 -parenb cs8 ignpar opost onlcr:38400 hupcl -clocal
-parenb ignp
ar cs8 -istrip -ixon ixany crtscts::conttyH8hi

-Larry Pazdernik
-Computer Information Technician
-Kearney Public Schools