SUMMARY: search in ab2 doesn't give all occurences.

Simon-Bernard Drolet (
Thu, 19 Mar 1998 11:08:11 -0500

Hi Group,

I've asked this:

> Hi Sunners,
> I've got a server setup with answerbook2 (Solaris 2.6). When I access my
> ab2 server, I can see all the collection I've installed without
> problems.
> Now, when I do a seach for let say "pam", It doesn't find anything that
> is in the developper collection even if I do it manually, I can see stuff
> for pam in there. It seem like the seach is limited somewhat ?
> What the probs ?
> Thank's and I will summerize...

I've received no answer and it's still doing the same thing. I've test
this also on searching stuff in CDE, same results...

When I have time, I will probably reinstall all the ab stuff.

Simon-Bernard Drolet      mailto:Simon-Bernard.Drolet@M3iSystems.QC.CA
Unix System Administrator Tel: (514) 928-3386 ext. 2330
M3i Systems Inc.          Fax: (514) 442-5076
Longueuil, Quebec, Canada http://www.M3iSystems.QC.CA