Wed, 18 Mar 1998 12:00:03 -0500 (EST)

original questin:
> Hi, Sun managers:
> I got follwoing messages in messages file, I am quite sure what cause
> this?
> Any ideas/suggestion? thanks.
> Mar 15 10:45:55 share inetd[459]: ftp/tcp: bind: Address already in use
> Mar 15 10:45:55 share inetd[459]: telnet/tcp: bind: Address already in
> Mar 15 10:45:55 share inetd[459]: time/tcp: bind: Address already in use
> Mar 15 10:45:55 share inetd[459]: echo/tcp: bind: Address already in use
> Mar 15 10:45:55 share inetd[459]: discard/tcp: bind: Address already in
> use
> Mar 15 10:45:55 share inetd[459]: daytime/tcp: bind: Address already in
> use..

I have received a lot of answers, I am sorry I can not list them one by
one, thanks for all of your responses. The problem was some one try to use
init 3 which system try to start another inted daemon.

Thanks again for all your responses.

Xueying He

Sr. Unix Sys Admin
Information Systems &
Department of Biostatistics
School of Public Health
Johns Hopkins University
Phone: (410)614-1940
Fax: (410)955-1752