SUMMARY: Ultra 1 spurriously shutting down

Edward Turner Farrar (
Wed, 18 Mar 1998 13:31:11 -0500

Thanks to Mark Hargrave, Dean Humphrey, Mikey, Eugene,
David Thorburn-Gundlach, Aleksandar Jeremic, Sean Ward,
Rick Reineman, Pam, Casper, Jay Lessert, Jeff Newton,
bismark, Paul H. Yoshimune, Venkat, bfay, and Dave Foster.

The problem turned out to be thermal. The system fan
appears to be at fault.

Ed Farrar

> Hello Sun Managers,
> I have an Ultra 1 that spurriously shuts down. I have 6
> other machines that are identical, but only one shuts down every once
> in a while. I have reinstalled several times, checked the
> power.conf file and can't find where the problem is located.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Ed Farrar