Thanks for all the helpful replies!
Looks like the way to read SPARCStorage Array firmware revision numbers
like 3.4 is "three dot four" or the fourth revision. For firmware 3.12 it is
"three dot twelve or the twelfth revision. So, 3.4 or really 3.04 is much
lower than 3.12!
That means the older SSA110 is in need of the firmware patch! I'm
going to need a good bit of downtime to install the patch now. I've got
two Ultra 4000 servers to do this on now...
It would be nice if the patch READMEs or something in SunSolve would
mention how to read the numbers for firmware. For people that are not on
Sun-Managers that is! <grin>
Thanks to everyone! Look below for excerpts from the replies and the
original at the end!
-Darrell Ringler
Sun Network Administrator
Thanks to:
Peter Bestel Email:
Petri Kallberg - Sun Finland - <>
Casper Dik <>
Jim McVey <>
Birger Wathne <>
Peter Bestel Email:
The upgrade should definitely be applied to the 110. Especially
so if you are using RAID 5 configs on the box. 3.4 should be read
as 3.04, as opposed to 3.12.
Petri Kallberg - Sun Finland - <>
I think that both SSA100 and SSA200 arrays use the same firmware.
(firmware patches always talk about SSA, not SSA100 or SSA200)
So, same update SHOULD apply to both arrays ...
Casper Dik <>
Revision 3.4 is *NOT* higher than revision 3.12.
The "." in the revision is not a decimal point; it's a sub revision
divider, so 3.4 is the fourth revision of 3 and 3.12 is the twelfth
You should upgrade the firmware.
Jim McVey <>
I'm not 100% positive, but I _think_ the version numbers on the firmware
should be read as "three dot twelve" (as opposed to "three dot one-two"), which
implies that the 3.12 firmware is actually newer than 3.4, and the 3.4 should be
upgraded with the patch.
Birger Wathne <>
3.12 is indeed higher than 3.4. Don't read 3.12 as 3.1.2, but as 3.12
where 12 is higher than 4.
----- Begin Included Message -----
>From Tue Mar 10 18:29:46 1998
Date: Tue, 10 Mar 98 17:28:27 EST
Followup-To: dringler@PICA.ARMY.MIL
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Does SSA Firmware 3.4 need patch 104708-12?
Precedence: bulk
Content-Length: 4068
X-Lines: 97
Hello, Sun Managers!
Is an older SSA110 Firmware Revision number the same as a newer SSA210
Revision in order to figure out whether or not to install patch 104708-12?
I've got two SPARCStorage Arrays SSA110 and SSA210 on an Ultra 4000.
The SSA110 is at Firmware Rev. 3.4 and the SSA210 was at 3.11 before I
applied the Solaris 2.5.1 patch 104708-12 for the SSA firmware. The SSA210
is now using the Firmware 3.12 revision and seems to be working fine.
Does the smaller SSA110 need the firmware patch? The firmware patch
`seems' to say it is not needed since it is higher than the 3.12 revision.
HOWEVER, it is about 2 years old and was never upgraded with any earlier
firmware patches! Is this some difference in SSA models and firmware revisions
between the two? Should the 104708-12 patch be applied to the SSA110? I
have the same setup on another Ultra 4000 so, I'll have to do the same patches
their too!
Thanx in Advance! I'll summarize...
-Darrell Ringler
Sun Network Administrator
Before patch 104708-12:
ssaadm dis c0
SPARCstorage Array 110 Configuration
(ssaadm version: 1.15 96/03/17)
Controller path:/devices/sbus@2,0/SUNW,soc@d,10000/SUNW,pln@b0000000,78b0f2:ctlr DEVICE STATUS
1 Drive: 0,0 Drive: 2,0 Drive: 4,0
2 Drive: 0,1 Drive: 2,1 Drive: 4,1
3 Drive: 0,2 Drive: 2,2 Drive: 4,2
4 Drive: 0,3 Drive: 2,3 Drive: 4,3
5 Drive: 0,4 Drive: 2,4 Drive: 4,4
6 Drive: 1,0 Drive: 3,0 Drive: 5,0
7 Drive: 1,1 Drive: 3,1 Drive: 5,1
8 Drive: 1,2 Drive: 3,2 Drive: 5,2
9 Drive: 1,3 Drive: 3,3 Drive: 5,3
10 Drive: 1,4 Drive: 3,4 Drive: 5,4
Vendor: SUN
Product ID: SSA110
Product Rev: 1.0
Firmware Rev: 3.4
Serial Num: 00000078B0F2
Accumulate Performance Statistics: Enabled
ssaadm dis c4
SPARCstorage Array 210 Configuration
(ssaadm version: 1.15 96/03/17)
Controller path:/devices/sbus@6,0/SUNW,soc@d,10000/SUNW,pln@b0000000,8782aa:ctlr DEVICE STATUS
Drive: 0,0 Drive: 2,0 Drive: 4,0
Drive: 0,1 Drive: 2,1 Drive: 4,1
Drive: 0,2 Drive: 2,2 Drive: 4,2
Drive: 0,3 Drive: 2,3 Drive: 4,3
Drive: 0,4 Drive: 2,4 Drive: 4,4
Drive: 0,5 Drive: 2,5 Drive: 4,5
Drive: 0,6 Drive: 2,6 Drive: 4,6
Drive: 1,0 Drive: 3,0 Drive: 5,0
Drive: 1,1 Drive: 3,1 Drive: 5,1
Drive: 1,2 Drive: 3,2 Drive: 5,2
Drive: 1,3 Drive: 3,3 Drive: 5,3
Drive: 1,4 Drive: 3,4 Drive: 5,4
Drive: 1,5 Drive: 3,5 Drive: 5,5
Drive: 1,6 Drive: 3,6 Drive: 5,6
Vendor: SUN
Product ID: SSA210
Product Rev: 1.0
Firmware Rev: 3.11
Serial Num: 0000008782AA
Accumulate Performance Statistics: Enabled
After patch 104708-12:
[ Same SSA110 revision ]
Vendor: SUN
Product ID: SSA210
Product Rev: 1.0
Firmware Rev: 3.12
Serial Num: 0000008782AA
Accumulate Performance Statistics: Enabled
----- End Included Message -----