SUMMARY: Solaris Screen Resolution

Anji Morris (
Wed, 11 Mar 1998 12:23:23 -0700

> Hi,
> Does anyone know the default screen resolution for a Sun Workstation,
> Ultra 1 in particular? If so, how did you find out this information
> and how can I change it ?
> Thanks in advance !

The default screen resolution varies on different solaris boxes -- it
depends on the monitor sense codes and frame buffer capabilities. In
most cases this will be the Sun 19/20" monitors with a resolution of
1280x1024. Default color depth is PseudoColor (8 bit) since some
applications do not handle TrueColor too gracefully.

An excellent reference page on more information was given as follows:

On this page, there is a downloadable ksh script (fbinfo) that detects
your framebuffer type and resolution. Here is my output:

$ fbinfo
cgsix@1 is GX 1152x900@66 Monitor type 0
ffb@1e is FFB1 67MHz Single buffered 1280x1024@76

For those using the FFB Graphics Accelerator cards, the easiest way to
find out current resolution settings, possible alternative resolutions
for your monitor, and set a new resolution is to use the ffbconfig
utility which configures the FFB Graphics Accelerator and some of the
X11 window system defaults for FFB.

/usr/sbin/ffbconfig -prconf
/usr/sbin/ffbconfig -res \?
/usr/sbin/ffbconfig -res 1152x900x76

The following utility will apparently work on any solaris machine which
any graphic card. Although, as far as I can tell, you still have to
look up in the field engineer's hand book the possible resolutions that
are supported for your configuration.

/usr/openwin/bin/xdpyinfo |grep dimension

To set the resolution, run the following command as root:

# eeprom output-device=screen:r1280x1024x76

then reboot. Alternatively, halt the machine and type

ok setenv output-device screen:r1280x1024x76
ok reset

Thank you to the following people:

D. Ellen March, Stephen Wolthusen, Dan Pritts, Harold Angell, Roy
Culley, Thomas Anders, Matthew Atkinson, Mark Belanger, Ron Kelley,
Rajeev Jumar, John Malick, and Jason Greene

Anji Morris/Unix Systems Admin               
CSU Special Projects          ,,,            (0 0)
Sandia National Labs	       w 505/844-4082
1515 Eubank Blvd. SE           f 505/844-9202
Albuquerque, NM 87123_0745